BLOG — Create + Cultivate

Kate Williams

Kate Williams

Writer + editorial director in Los Angeles. Reading books + watching palm trees.

Dallas: How to spend the perfect Sunday

Dallas: How to spend the perfect Sunday

If there’s one city that puts the oomph in Sunday Funday, it’s Dallas. Forget lazy days that help you recover from the weekend and properly prepare for the Monday ahead – Dallas uses Sunday as a kickoff (literally) to the rest of the week. Dallasites take their Sundays seriously. They’re celebrations. They’re connection. They’re very little work and a whole lot of fun. Everything really is bigger in Texas, including the magic of a Sunday well spent.

Good Vibes Only: Lauryn Evarts on staying positive & building a brand

Good Vibes Only: Lauryn Evarts on staying positive & building a brand

Spend more than a few minutes on Lauryn Evart's blog The Skinny Confidential, and you will want her to be your best friend. She's smart, relatable and has a girls-night sense of humor. She's also drop-dead gorgeous with a passion for healthy living. Lauryn will be speaking at Create & Cultivate Dallas on our Brand Vibes: How to create a brand that lives beyond the blog bubble, so we caught up with her in advance here. 

Giving Back: Lauren Scruggs Kennedy on building philanthropy

Giving Back: Lauren Scruggs Kennedy on building philanthropy

Lauren Scruggs Kennedy, the founder and editor of Lolo Magazine, is truly a beautiful person. And no, we're not just talking about how gorgeous she is. She recently started The Lauren Scruggs Kennedy Foundation with a mission to help provide prostheses to women in need, and, alongside Bethany Hamilton, she co-founded a yearly retreat for girls with missing limbs. We caught up with Lauren—who'll be speaking at #CreateCultivateDallas and also just happens to be a Dallas native—to talk about building philanthropy and where to get Dallas's best almond latte. 

Real Mom, Real Talk: Work Life Balance is a Myth

Real Mom, Real Talk: Work Life Balance is a Myth

It’s the million-dollar question for every working mom. How do you balance your job and your family? It’s a valid question and worth discussing if for no other reason than it’s reassuring to hear that other working moms struggle with this too. My opinions on this topic are quite strong and I’m happy to share with you exactly what I’ve said at numerous business panels over the last eight years: Work life balance is a myth.

TCB: Side Hustle Queens, Part II

TCB: Side Hustle Queens, Part II

All hail the side-hustle—the art of pursuing a passion project even when it's not the only thing on your plate. Here, the second part of our series on talented woman who are getting it done, even when there's a lot to do.

Cool Job Alert: Fiona Boyce, Director of Social Media + Brand Content for Commune Hotels + Resorts

Cool Job Alert: Fiona Boyce, Director of Social Media + Brand Content for Commune Hotels + Resorts

Imagine this: You have a job that involves traveling the world, immersing yourself in the role of pampered hotel guest, and documenting it on social media. That pretty much sums up Fiona Boyce's job—except that it also involves a ton of hard work, scrupulous attention to detail and some serious number nerdery. Here, we talk to Fiona about everything from making contacts and interpreting analytics to building a cohesive brand and how to avoid the sunset rabbit hole in the process.

No Gym Required: At Home Work-Outs from Love Sweat Fitness

No Gym Required: At Home Work-Outs from Love Sweat Fitness

I created Love Sweat Fitness as a community where women can come to be inspired, and inspire one another to live fit, healthy—and most importantly—balanced lives! As a personal trainer and fitness instructor I am constantly asked what it takes to lose weight and keep it off. The answer is quite simple; eat clean balanced meals and workout consistently. Easier said than done right? Between jobs, families, friends and other obligations, it can seem impossible to make this happen, but I promise you it’s not and it’s 100% worth it.

People Who Do: Jessie Artigue of Style + Pepper

People Who Do: Jessie Artigue of Style + Pepper

We're natural born creators and cultivators, which means we're always on the move. Doing what we love, doing what we need to get to that next step, and doing what we can to help others. That's why when Sara Haile, creator of People Who Do reached out to collaborate on a series celebrating those "who do," we were totally game. We continue the series with Jessie Artigue, lifestyle expert, consultant and founder of Style + Pepper. Get to know the colorful gal below.

Meet the Speaker: Emily Schuman of Cupcakes & Cashmere

Meet the Speaker: Emily Schuman of Cupcakes & Cashmere

We're not ones to pat ourselves on the back, but sometimes we can't help it—and this is one of those! Our lineup for #CreateCultivateDALLAS is already killer and is only going to get better. To get you all worked up and as excited as we are, we're going to introduce some of the awesome women who'll be there. Here, Cupcakes & Cashmere founder Emily Schuman, who'll be speaking in our keynote conversation. Get to know her here, and IRL in January!

Ask Camille Styles: How Do I Build My Following?

Ask Camille Styles: How Do I Build My Following?

On Instagram, we asked what you wanted to learn from the lovely Camille Styles and your questions came pouring in. Camille is a blogger and party stylist living in Austin, Texas, and the author of the book Camille Styles Entertaining. As her name would suggest, she has an impeccable eye and is known for transforming a space and making the whole thing seemed effortless. Below, she answers a question that we're sure tons of you are wondering about, and this is just a taste of her wisdom! Catch Camille live at #CreateCultivateDALLAS, where she'll be speaking on the panel Brand Vibes: How to create a brand that lives beyond the blog bubble.

Tomboy KC's Guide to Living It Up In Dallas

Tomboy KC's Guide to Living It Up In Dallas

Lynsey Eaton traded a life of practicing law in Los Angeles for one of blogging in Dallas, where she's the executive editor of Tomboy KC, a fashion and lifestyle site she co-runs with actress Katie Cassidy. You can catch Lynsey at #CreateCultivateDALLAS, speaking on our panel The Art of the Pitch: How to Present, Sell and Negotiate your Big Idea. In the meantime, we caught up with her and got her to give us some of her favorite places in her adopted city—because we know that if she loves them, we'll love them too (and so will you, obvi.)