business — BLOG — Create + Cultivate


Letter from the Founder

Welcome to a new chapter of Create & Cultivate.

Hi everyone, it’s Jaclyn the founder of Create & Cultivate. I am so thrilled to be back at the helm of Create & Cultivate alongside our new CEO @MarinaaMiddleton. How did we get here? It’s complicated.

I’ve always prided Create & Cultivate on being a place of transparent conversations and “real talk”. It's been in countless posts, signage, podcast episodes, and even my book.

Business on its best days is extremely rewarding, on its worst very heart wrenching. Selling a majority stake in Create & Cultivate in 2021 was one of my proudest moments as a business owner and yet personally challenging to navigate. This is a brand I, like many of you and your businesses, love. The community is what got me through each and every hard moment of being an entrepreneur. So when the opportunity presented itself to rebuild Create & Cultivate back alongside my partners, I took it. Why?

Since its launch in 2016, Create & Cultivate, has been a driving force and unmatched resource for women entrepreneurs and small business owners. By offering insightful content, fostering a loyal community, and hosting best-in-class events, C&C has helped countless women create & cultivate the careers of their dreams. We’ve witnessed tremendous growth for women in the workplace from massive IPOs to women in the US generating a staggering $1.9 trillion annually. However, venture funding remains at an all-time low for female-led businesses, layoffs are abound and the burden of the family still lies with working moms.

The first Create & Cultivate stage

We know there is more ground to cover. As the world shifts, so does Create & Cultivate.

We’re glad to be here.

Welcome to the new C&C.


Jaclyn Johnson
