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Running a Seven Figure Business While Pregnant


For the last 10 years of my career, I worked in corporate America, specifically within the entertainment industry, focused on integrated marketing for consumer brands and media entities. I started straight out of college as a marketing coordinator, and within five years, I’d been promoted to a director-level position. It was a very fun and fast-paced career that had me on a plane every 3-4 days for brand campaigns at big events like Fashion Week, The Grammys, Coachella, SuperBowl, essentially every tentpole entertainment event. 

However, while successful on paper, I wasn’t very passionate about my work and I felt this inner pull telling me that this is not what I’m meant to do forever. The problem was, I had no clue what I wanted to do. The only thing I was sure of was that I wanted to do more meaningful work, so I started to go on my own personal journey of exploring what I want the rest of my life to look like. That ultimately led me to my own “Eat, Pray, Love” journey around Europe, investing in a life coach, and reigniting a dream I’d written in my journal while in high school to create a platform that empowers others to realize and actualize their full potential. I, of course, didn’t know that it would take the form it has today, but I knew that I would hate to wonder “what if” ten years from now if I didn’t at least give myself permission to explore what it could be.

Within this long journey from where I was to where I am, I've learned so many wonderful things that can help anyone who is stuck in a rut looking to live their dream life or a spark that they are so desperately missing. These are a few tips and tricks I learned along the way.

Set Boundaries

This is no easy task and is something that takes time to learn. First, start with clearly defining what your boundaries are with work, friends, family, and your partner. When you are clear on your boundaries with others it helps you to realize when someone is overstepping, or when you might feel uncomfortable. Put together a plan of action on how you will handle the situation so you're more prepared for when it happens.

Ask for Help

As an entrepreneur, I know firsthand how ambitious, independent, and optimistic we are. However, when situations arise where we need to ask for help, we seem to struggle. There are far more benefits when asking for help versus not asking for help. Knowing that someone else would take the time to help you out is a great feeling. In a way, it helps rejuvenate us. Asking for help also allows us to potentially grow our network and gain new perspectives, which could even lead to new opportunities! 

The same rules apply to your personal and love life. As entrepreneurs, we are often wearing many hats in our businesses. We are marketing, HR, admin, support, etc. It can be exhausting, and you may be doing an awesome job in your business, but your household duties may have suffered the consequences. It’s okay to hire help. It’s also okay to lean on friends and family for support. They know you best and can give you sound advice or a pick me up when you need it. 

Enjoy the Little Moments

If you told me five years ago that I would be living in Paris, married, with a baby on the way I would’ve laughed! What really helps me put things in perspective is remembering how much the life I’m living now felt so out of reach years ago. 

Instead of worrying about the future, I look around me and soak in everything I’ve accomplished and how far I’ve come in my journey. Enjoy moments during pregnancy with your spouse. Enjoy the moments getting ready for your little one. Don’t forget to give yourself grace, you’re raising a human!

Position Your Business to Scale

Running a seven-figure business while pregnant is A LOT. Make sure your product suite is built to scale around your lifestyle. The luxury of being a business owner is the ability to change up the structure. Thankfully for me, I’m in a place in my business where I can hire help. Having people on my team who are passionate, knowledgeable, and help bring new ideas to the table is so important. You can’t grow a business with longevity without help!

Get Organized

I can’t stress enough how important being organized is. It doesn’t only help with staying on top of tasks, but also helps ease anxiety and make me feel more confident in my plans for the day, week, and month. Having a to-do list is old-fashioned but there’s nothing better than being able to mark a task complete or being able to scratch it off your list. Being able to map out my day and visually see the tasks that need to get done really helps me put everything in perspective. It helps me understand if my timelines are realistic or not. Maybe I need to extend one project, or maybe I can shorten the timeline for another.

If this past year has taught us all anything, it’s that we can’t always perfectly plan for what’s ahead. What works year one of your business, may not work at all year two. You also might be working in a different time zone or in a different environment than you're used to. Adaptation is the key. At the start of the pandemic, my sales completely tanked and it felt like nothing was working in my business. 

I had two options: go and get a job or get serious about adjusting to circumstances that are out of my control by doing things that are in my control. I revamped my programs, messaging, and adapted my business model to what became the new normal. Doing so took my business from $100K in sales to $1M in sales in less than one year. I’ve seen my clients scale their businesses, and it’s not easy, but it’s definitely possible and it’s definitely worth it. You’ll never know what you can achieve if you don’t try!

About the Author: Natanya Bravo was a powerhouse working for Fortune 500 brands as VP of marketing for 10 years. Flying back and forth from NYC to LA, while leading a large team. This was everything Natanya worked so hard for! But, for some reason, Natanya felt unfulfilled. One night out at dinner her friend asked her, “What’s something you always wanted to do but was too afraid to say out loud?” and Natanya answered, “Move to Paris”. She came up with excuse after excuse, and then finally moved to Paris alone. Upon arriving, she wrote down her goals and what she wanted to accomplish. She now lives in her dream city, with her fiancé, is currently pregnant, and runs her very own seven-figure business abroad.


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