How I Launched an Online Business During Covid-19 While Pregnant — Create + Cultivate

How I Launched an Online Business During Covid-19 While Pregnant

Photo: Courtesy of Liz McVoy

Photo: Courtesy of Liz McVoy

While safely huddled under a thick cozy blanket in my home office, smackdab in the middle of the stay-at-home orders, I hit the figurative launch button on my online video and marketing business. Oh, and I was 37 weeks pregnant with baby number two.

Yep, due in a matter of weeks and launching a business in the middle of a pandemic. No big deal right? 

Some backstory: A few years ago while on a walk with my hubby, I started to dream about what life might look like if I could work less, be more present with my family and yet somehow have a greater impact. At the time, I was taking on intermittent video and web design projects with a small number of corporate clients, but I’d hoped 2020 would be my year to grow my side hustle into a full-time job. And then COVID hit.

I’d love to say that I had this brilliant business plan from the get-go, but in reality, I just listened and responded to the needs I was seeing. Businesses were moving online as fast as they could and people were relying on video and social media now more than ever, but something seemed to be missing. I saw a gap. I saw incredible women business owners trying to scale to that next milestone and coming up short. I knew that adding video and storytelling to their marketing strategy was the answer. 

That’s when I realized I could leverage my 10+ years of experience working as a video producer, designer, and storyteller to help other women build premium brands through video, branding, and marketing. It was the perfect opportunity to combine my passions and skills. 

Long story (that should be told over a bottle of wine) short, I launched an online course to teach entrepreneurs how to create great video content for their business in April, I had my son in May, and then I began coaching other women in July.

Talk about a whirlwind of a few months. 

Thinking back, what began as a desire to have more freedom and flexibility quickly morphed into something else, something much bigger and more meaningful. Not only do I get to support my family but I have the joy of coaching other powerful, kind, amazing female entrepreneurs on their video, branding, and marketing. And I’m not just coaching these women on visibility strategies or the how-to aspects of video, but we’re tackling what it means to lead with authenticity and a posterity of service. I’ve watched my clients go from overwhelmed and insecure to boldly showing up as the leaders that they are and making positive waves along the way.

I used to discount myself thinking that my background and skills were too broad to ever lead to a successful corporate career. I loved video editing, storytelling, and design but I never identified as that super creative person who could come up with groundbreaking ideas. Rather, every personality and career test pointed me to relationship-driven work like teaching, managing and basically being the person to build everyone else up.

But now those “soft skills” are the heart of my business. I took my technical knowledge and industry experience and created a business that helps other women thrive and I wouldn't change it for the world.

If you are a mom or mom-to-be looking for another way to support your family or get unstuck from a dead-end 9-5, here is my advice to you.

1. Start before you’re ready.

Take the risk. It’s amazing how many reasons and excuses you’ll come up with if you’re waiting for the perfect time or opportunity. Becoming an entrepreneur is scary and it is not for the faint of heart. But you just have to start. Every success story has a starting point, don’t compare your day 5 to someone else’s year 5. 

2. Connect with a community.

When I had my daughter, people said it takes a village. They were right and the same thing can be said of entrepreneurship. Find your core people, support them with all you’ve got, and lean on them too. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, celebrate the wins, and journey through life together. You’ll get farther together than on your own. Leave competitiveness and ego at the door. 

3. Have faith and focus.

There will be hard days. There will be days when you are like, “Holy smokes, I can’t do this.” There will be days when you cry to anyone who will listen that you made a mistake. You have to have faith and focus on what you can control.  There’s so much power in hope. Entrepreneurship is a lot of work. It’s both super hard and super rewarding. Stay focused on those needle-moving tasks and trust the rest to work out how it should.

But beyond any of the advice above you have to believe in yourself. You have to remember, you are worthy of the big, amazing, beautiful life you’ve been dreaming of. Dream big and dream often.

About the author: Liz McVoy founded her creative marketing agency to help entrepreneurs and brands have greater visibility and impact in their field. Her mission is to help entrepreneurs build premium brands through video, branding, and marketing so they can position themselves as the authority, tell stories that convert, and scale their income to gain financial freedom. Liz is a west-coast native living in Grand Rapids, Michigan with her husband and two kids. For more tips, training, inspiration, and resources, sign up for her newsletter on and follow her on Instagram @lizmcvoycreative.