How Kristin Ess Is Streamlining Her Crazy Busy Life This Season — Create + Cultivate

How Kristin Ess Is Streamlining Her Crazy Busy Life This Season

Kristin Ess and her Google Home.

We all get by with a little help from our friends. And this holiday season, you just might want to consider Google Home your BFF. It's hands-free help. You can ask it questions. Tell it to do things. Make it play your favorite jams. Time your turkey so perfectly that your mom-in-law asks you for the recipe. OR. If you're a working BOSS like Kristin Ess who launched her Target line last year and styles the coifs of babes like Lucy Hale and Create & Cultivate keynote Lauren Conrad lives by her schedule.

Find out why the hard-working redhead says she "almost died" of happiness when she found out Google Home can do this...

How do you think your Google Home will streamline your life? Your biz?

I'm used to opening 5-7 apps on my phone first thing in the morning alone-- emails, my schedule, I turn on music/news, read my to-do lists for the day, adjust the temperature in my studio, etc... I always thought it was incredibly convenient to be able to do those things by phone, but the fact that I can now just request these things vocally into "thin air” it allows me to keep moving and truly helps me multitask, which I’m not naturally good at.

What’s your trick for staying on top of everything this holiday season? Can you list 2-3 ways you are juggling the busy season + incorporate google home into one response?

First things first, I almost died when I figured out I can ask her to make me various shopping lists because I have a lot of people to shop for these days, running 3 different business, and I can’t manage the all on one list, so that’s exciting. Second, I love that I can say “Hey Google, how long do I cook a sweet potato?” or “Hey Google, what’s in a hot toddy?” and it tells me the most popular results and/or gives me a recipe. That is incredibly helpful to me when I have people over. I don’t necessarily have time to stop and look it up. Last but certainly not least, I can keep that Michael Buble, Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston and Justin Bieber holiday mix flowing like fine wine.

What’s your #1 jam to play while clients are in your chair?

There’s not one jam. It’s just Aretha, Alabama Shakes and Adele all day, every day in my chair.

What’s was the first question you asked your Google Home? Hey Google...

I asked her to play NPR radio. I like to listen to the news while I set up for my day— it gives me interesting topics to discuss with people.

How does your Google Home make your life easier as a hair stylist?

My hands are always busy when I’m in the salon and my assistant is always doing a million things as well, so there’s not a lot of time for using my phone, tablet or computer because you literally need hands to do that! I love being able to vocally set timers for client’s colors, I can ask when my next client is coming, shout out a Google Search (because if you’ve ever been in a salon you know we discuss very random things in the chair sometimes), I can order food, we can verbally order inventory, which is a life changer, and when my client is cold or warm I can adjust the temperature for them. I’m also constantly losing my phone around the studio so it’s really nice that I can ask, "Hey, Google, call my phone for me."

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