How Simply Cyn Is Keeping It All Together Over the Holidays

Simply Cyn and her Google Home Mini. 

Need a little handsfree help this holiday season? Everyone does. Including Cynthia Andrew AKA @SimplyCyn, who is a fan of the Google Home Mini for more reasons than one. We checked in with the full time blogger and lawyer on how her Google Home Mini is helping her keep it together. 

What’s your trick for staying on top of everything this holiday season?

Staying organized for me means calendaring, setting alarms/reminders and making lists.

What’s the first question you’re gonna ask your Google Home Mini?

Hey Google, can you please set the following reminders.... long list to follow.

How do you think your Google Home Mini will help you balance your two FT jobs?

It's easy to get distracted or completely absorbed in one so you have to set specific boundaries and timelines for different projects. Sometimes, I have to force myself to move away from one in order to dedicate the appropriate amount of time and energy to the other.

Google has something for everyone on your list. To see our full Google Store Gift Guide click here. 

What feature of your Google Home Mini are you most excited to use and why?

I love to use the pure speaker function at night and mornings to stream music. It'll most likely just be me playing rain sounds before bedtime.

How does your Google Home Mini make your life easier?

Quick access to Google Assistant - I’m on-the-go and sometimes just need to know what’s happened with emails, my calendar, traffic or weather- it’s a real game changer.

Don't miss out, Friday to Monday Google Store is offering all kinds of holiday deals.