The Skinny Confidential Spills Her Holiday Work From Home Hacks — Create + Cultivate

The Skinny Confidential Spills Her Holiday Work From Home Hacks

Lauryn Evarts of The Skinny Confidential and her Google Pixelbook.

Lauryn Evarts, founder and oh-so-tells-it-like-it-is voice behind The Skinny Confidential, knows how to keep it real. From sharing advice on her blog to running her podcast, "The Skinny Confidential Him and Her Podcast," with hubby Michale Bosstick, she's a busy babe who needs to keep things steamlined (the best she can). 

Plus she's the perfect person to give us the low-down on avoiding awkward family interactions over the Holidays.

Do you have any tips for avoiding awkward family small talk at the table? No. Aunt Helen, not appropriate.

OH AUNT HELEN. WE ALL HAVE A HELEN, RIGHT? I mean really can we all agree we all have that one person who has too much Pinot Noir & brings up drama from 1989? My rule of thumb is not to stay too long anywhere- we move around & move around in conversations too. If someone brings up something you don't want to talk about? Simply slowly exit the conversation. I don't like to argue- you know I'm not the type to fight fire with fire. I've always preferred to slowly back away as opposed to cutting anything off. This concept very much applies to Thanksgiving. You know what I mean? Also my chilled glass of champagne never hurt a flea.

What’s your trick for staying on top of everything this holiday season?

TIME-BLOCKING! This is this amazing, simple hack that's changed the game for me. Basically I carry a big time cube in my oversized handbag (I even did a big blog post on this subject & now a bunch of The Skinny Confidential readers do this too!). Anyway it comes in handy because I use it to block time off ( for instances 1 hour of e-mails when I wake up ). For one hour you're only allowed to focus on the one task you pick. No phone, no distractions, no other tasks besides the one you choose, sorry! I know, sounds painful but it really ups the efficiency. Seriously helps so much during the holiday seasons when there's so much distraction. I'm very much a "oh how cute a puppy, wait OMG- did you see that squirrel?" type of person. Distracted is my middle name so yes, a time cube certainly helps. Let's just say they will be in the entire family's stocking stuffer this year.

What about hacks for getting work done when you’re surrounded by friends and fam?

This is hard. I want to write a biography on this. It would be called: Hacks For Getting Work Done When You’re Surrounded By Friends and Fam: A Memoir.

Seriously sometimes I edit an Instagram in the bathroom? Just being real here. 

I REALLY try to get all my work done so I can put my phone away at parties with friends and family. My latest is to take IG Stories and save them and then post when I have some time to myself. And then there are times when you just need to go outside and do what you gotta do.  

What feature of the Google Pixelbook are you most excited to use?


I've never been more excited for an accessory. Like screw shoes and handbags! All I want is a Google Pixelbook Pen. How chic is it in white? Before I got it I envisioned myself in business meeting with my white Google Pixelbook and the matching Google Pixelbook Pen. It was a very clear vision and now I throw it in my handbag (next to the time cube) and head to meetings.  As you can imagine I feel very cool when I whip out my pen to take notes.

You travel so much, how do you think it will streamline your travel days?

Honestly, the Google Pixelbook will be so amazing for travel. I actually SCREAMED when I got it in the mail. For one it will fit perfect in my black travel backpack and for two it's lightweight and so easy to use. Since we travel so much for work it's ideal for writing blog posts on-the-go. There's nothing better than a long red eye flight with a fast Internet, a glass of champagne, and side of plane peanuts- this is heaven for me. The Google Pixelbook will make my dreams come true while I'm flying. As you can see, I'm overly excited for how it will streamline my travel days.

But let's be honest what I really love is it's white, chic...AND has a Pen!

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Don't miss out, Friday to Monday Google Store is offering all kinds of holiday deals.