5 Super Inspiring Women Share Their Need-to-Read Mottos — Create + Cultivate

5 Super Inspiring Women Share Their Need-to-Read Mottos

photo credit: We the People

Are you looking for a some weekend inspo to help you kickass at business and life? We rounded up five our favorite ladies' mottos and words to live by.  

TONI KO, Founder NYX & Perverse 

Starting a business as a 25-year old minority female without any experience running a company was a huge risk in itself. My life motto has always been, “Go big or go home,” closely followed by “do or die.” A lot of the time, I just go for it! I purposely put myself in situations that force me to face my fears, and by doing so, I’m forced to deal with the repercussions, the founder told Career Contessa. 

My father always said he wanted to raise his children “Spartan Style,” where only the strongest survive. He definitely succeeded. I am an extremely mentally and emotionally strong woman who isn’t afraid to take risks. I truly believe that taking risks is the only way to grow as an individual. 


I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life’s a bitch. You’ve got to go out and kick ass.


“When faced with sexism or ageism or lookism or even really aggressive Buddhism, ask yourself the following question: ‘Is this person in between me and what I want to do?’ If the answer is no, ignore it and move on. Your energy is better used doing your work and outpacing people that way. Then, when you’re in charge, don’t hire the people who were jerky to you.” via Bossypants


The lesson in the dream isn’t whether our fight to get to the top is for something big or small. It’s to realize that a good, happy life isn’t just handed to us. We need to work for it. We need to strap on the heavy bags and take the first step forward in the long journey up the mountain. Yes, we’ll all sweat, complain and wish we were somewhere else (maybe on that beach in Nice…). But we’ll also develop the strength to say: “I’ll make it to the top — no matter what.” via Motto 


"For me, it’s always been Maya Angelou. Her work, her memoirs, have always been building blocks for me. She’s also been a blueprint to go out and say that #1: My life story is worthy of being heard, #2: I can write it myself, I don’t have to give it to someone else, and #3: There’s more than one book about my life experiences and yes, you can be a memoirist and you can do it in a literary form that is also accessible. She was super important to me." via Medium