NBD: Michelle Obama Is a Fan of This Duo's Newsletter — Create + Cultivate

NBD: Michelle Obama Is a Fan of This Duo's Newsletter

Boss ladies are always looking ahead. Some of them even seem like they have the ability to see into the future.

Take Danielle Weisberg and Carly Zakin, for instance, the co-founders of The Skimm.

3.5 years ago, the two said NBC'ing you later to their producer jobs and began sending emails from their couch. Their strategy was simple: ask anyone and everyone (and everyone else's everyone) to sign-up for the The Skimm. A daily newsletter presenting a solution to keeping up with the (Dow) Jones, the Times, the HuffPo, the never-ending news chain, ad infinitum. The result was curated aggregation at its finest. A one-stop read of headlines and need-to-know info for on-the-go-get-em women. (AKA, your busy boss self.)  

From their couches to Oprah's, their risk paid off. They now have over 3.5 million (#yaycongurentnumbers) active and highly engaged subscribers, the likes of whom include the two biggest Os in the game: Michelle Obama and yes, Oprah. 

So this week when they announced their newest venture, we knew it would be good.    

While The Skimm focusses on keeping you up to speed on current and relevant headlines, their new app, Skimm Ahead, takes the concept one step further-- literally.

What is it? Skimm Ahead puts the future into the palm of your hand, synching everything you need to know with your iPhone Calendar. For just $2.99/month, Danielle and Carly are making it easier to be smarter (BLESS), Miss Cleo style.  It's an app, yes, but they "think of it more as a utility" that integrates fully into your calendar. As they say, "It's like your calendar ate a smart cookie."

Why should you use it? Well, you'll know just when to purchase those Beyoncé tickets. Or keep you on top of the 2016 Presidential Debate schedule. It'll make sure you're Slytherin line for the much-awaited Harry Potter release. And it might even help you drop some knowledge on your boss when you suggest a campaign perfectly timed with this summer's "Orange Is the New Black," season 4 premiere. 

In short: they've got Skimm in the game. And their new app is a force multiplier for keeping you ahead of yours.

Download Skimm Ahead in the iTunes App Store. 


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