5 Strategies for Working From Home With Children During COVID-19 — Create + Cultivate

5 Strategies for Working From Home With Children From a Successful Entrepreneur

Photo: Courtesy of Karrie Brady

With working-from-home becoming a new norm around the world, many parents have had to transition to a whole new work-life balance.

Between daycares, nannies, and sitters now being unavailable, to schools transitioning to online classes, while others are canceling classes altogether—parents are left to navigate a whole new work-from-home balance with their children. With a lot more on everyone’s plate at home, this can cause a great deal of stress for your work and your little ones.

With the risk of increased burnout and stress navigating this new normal, I’m here to share a few of my favorite tips from my own experience as an entrepreneur and mom so you can come out on the other end, stronger than ever before. 

Here are five tips for creating the space and strategy you need to build a successful work-life balance right now.

1. Make a Plan

Schedule and batch your work around your child’s napping and sleeping schedule. This will be a savior for when unexpected deadlines come up or for when you need dedicated time set aside to get some of your core projects done.

Batching your work also creates a healthy balance for the time dedicated to work and the time devoted to your family. For example, I try to avoid conference calls in the morning when my daughter is having breakfast. That way, I can stay present and be with her before I start my workday.

Also, don’t underestimate the power of getting up before your kids to start the day with some peaceful, uninterrupted work! Sometimes you just need some quiet time to get stuff done.

It’s okay to have help, you don’t have to do it alone, I promise.

—Karrie Brady

2. Create a Dedicated Work Space

It can be tough working from home while your children are also home all day. That’s why it’s so essential to have a dedicated room, office, or even a simple space for your work. This helps to remove distractions when you do have team or client calls, webinars, etc., and this can help create healthy boundaries with your little ones in terms of where they can “play,” and where you work.

3. Hire Help in Your Business

Hire help. Yesterday. Whether that’s a virtual assistant, copywriter, or operations lead, hire someone who can help you streamline your processes and give you back the time you need to spend on your business. Outsourcing is a very under-utilized tool by most people, but moms especially. It’s okay to have help, you don’t have to do it alone, I promise.

4. Create Non-Negotiable Boundaries

For a lot of companies that are navigating this work-from-home dynamic for the first time with their employees, lines can become blurry in terms of how “available” you’re expected to be and when you can and should “leave” work. This is when it’s crucial to create non-negotiable boundaries for yourself and your work. Try to create “working hours” around the time you want to have to yourself and quality time with your family. Not only will you and your family benefit from this consistent, quality time that you’re getting together, but your work will benefit, too.


he best way to navigate this new norm is to welcome each day with grace. Not every day is going to be the same.

—Karrie Brady

5. Batch Your Work Schedule

Try to focus on relevant and specific tasks for a blocked period of time. I recommend batching creative projects on different days to stay in a creative energy and mindset. By batching your tasks, you’re able to stay in the same energy and mindset while accomplishing more because you’re not multitasking.

To balance the time I spend on my business and with my family, I have to make both schedules work together. So I organize conference calls around my daughter’s nap schedule, and once she goes to bed for the night, I continue my work until a set time to wrap up any loose ties before the end of the night. It’s not a typical 9-5 routine, but I get to devote time to successfully completing tasks in my business and spending quality time with my family.

To be honest, the best way to navigate this new norm is to welcome each day with grace. Not every day is going to be the same, but if you have a rough plan and routine in place, you’ll be in good shape to create a healthy balance between thriving in your business and your home life.

About the Author: Karrie Brady is a speaker, educator, and sales expert specializing in sales and marketing. She’s worked with over 500 entrepreneurs, helping them leave their 9-5s, build their savings to six-figures, and cumulatively make over $2,000,000 online. Karrie’s passion is helping entrepreneurs combine soul-level connection and radical profit. Raising babies and building businesses, this mama has sold millions in the online space and is ready to help you do the same.