Why You Need a #CreateCultivateATL Ticket — Create + Cultivate

Why You Need a #CreateCultivateATL Ticket

We’ve always said that Create & Cultivate is unlike any other conference series and we believe it. No woman is an island and a large part of both creating and cultivating the career of your dreams is connecting with like-minded creatives.

You should take advantage of being in a room with that much creative energy and entrepreneurial spirit. Past attendees who have done just that have made moves.

As we get closer to October 15th we want to make sure you get the most out of the conference. The first step is a ticket, but the next step is all you.


These aren’t empty words. We put on the conference because it means something to us and we don’t take it lightly that you’re attending. Attendees who catch us in a down moment or come up to us to chat about what they're doing tend to stay top of mind. 

Michelle Lando is a is a Certified Professional Resume Writer and founder of writestylesonline.com. She has a passion for helping others present the best version of themselves, both on paper and in person, and works to polish individual's application package and personal style. She attended Create & Cultivate DTLA and approached our editorial director to talk opportunities. She now contributes to the blog, doling out the best tips to enhance your resume, style, and boost your confidence.

We have attendees who become interns and those who now do graphic design for Create & Cultivate. Getting attendees involved beyond the day of is part of the secret to our success. You want people who are enthusiastic about your message. And we want to be able to promote you as well. It's a win-win.   


We love hearing from past participants who share their success stories.

Like Melissa Urfirer who also attended Create & Cultivate DTLA this past May. Melissa is a handbag designer with a unique product. She created Riley Versa bags which have removable covers so you can easily change the look of your bag. However, Melissa told us, “the concept is hard to convey.”

But at the past DTLA Melissa met Lizz of Rantze + Raves production. “We exchanged cards. Followed up,” Melissa says, “And she created an incredible stop-motion video that explains the bag and is now the homepage of my website RileyVersa.Com.”

It’s small, but important successes like these that make a ticket a no-brainer. Connections are hard to come by, but not at Create & Cultivate. 


It's not just for CEOs. It's for you and the person next to you. It's also why we have mentor sessions.

Kamari Guthrie was in C&C mentor extraordinaire Maxie McCoy's session and had this to say: "The mentor session at Create & Cultivate gave me the moment I'd been hoping for all day: the moment when I made deep, real connections that were bound to extend well into my professional future. By the end of the session, I found a photographer that would take my social media to the next level and an amazing friend (Maxie, of course). It's only been a few months since that session,  and both of them have already collaborated with me on projects that helped make my latest PR project a major success. And, I was thrilled to be able to give them new business opportunities through my network. It was a total win/win, and I cannot wait for Atlanta where I'm now 100% sure I'll build more game-changing relationships." 

So. What are you waiting for? There are only a few VIP tickets left.