'Real Stories' From Vistaprint Alum: Jera Foster-Fell, Founder, The Social Media Saloon — Create + Cultivate

'Real Stories' From Vistaprint Alum: Jera Foster-Fell, Founder, The Social Media Saloon

As part of our Create & Cultivate x Vistaprint Brand Campus, we’re sharing all the ways that Vistaprint can help you grow, adapt, and evolve your business. Explore ‘Real Stories’ from Vistaprint Alums, and learn how entrepreneurs use Vistaprint as a one-stop-shop for all of their small business marketing solutions.

Whether you’re sourcing a physical product, seeking digital design services, or simply looking for inspiration, Vistaprint is the marketing partner that enables small business owners to elevate their brands – at every stage of their journey. Read on to discover how real business owners use Vistaprint's design capabilities and wide product selection to help their businesses grow organically—and how you can too.

Jera Foster-Fell, Founder, The Social Media Saloon

What do you love most about having your own brand/ business?

There are three things that I love about having my own business: First, I love being my own boss. This means I craft my own schedule, play by my rules, and work towards my own goals. 2. I get to build what I am passionate and excited about. 3. I have the ability to choose who I want to work with and have a direct positive impact on their life, which is incredibly fulfilling!

Have you always been entrepreneurial? What led you to take that first step and establish your own brand/business?

Let me rewind back to April 2015 to first give you some context. I was a graphic designer, which is what my degree was in, working at various startups and doing a bit of freelance work. Truth my told, I was absolutely miserable. I was working so hard, yet severely under-appreciated and underpaid, to the point where I developed a bald patch on my head due to extreme stress and exhaustion. I had also recently found out I was struggling with social anxiety. I had no friends and zero social life. It was definitely a dark time for me.

It was then also in April of 2015 I made a decision which had a profound impact on my life: I decided to download a 12 week PDF workout guide I had discovered through Instagram. On that same day, I decided to create an Instagram account to hold myself accountable throughout the process, because that’s what I saw so many other women doing.

This was the beginning of my social media career in regards to content creation! I absolutely fell in love with instagram. Through this platform I found community and creativity, which was so very needed at the time.

From 2016 to 2018, in addition to working on my instagram, I was also a SoulCycle instructor, but in 2018, I left to pursue being a full time content creator. By mid 2019, I knew it was time to think even bigger. I was a successful influencer on Instagram, but I wanted to figure out what more I could do from a passion standpoint, as well as what more I could do to develop an additional stream of revenue.

Towards the end of 2019, I began developing my social media strategy business, and in the beginning of 2020, I ran my first ever Social Media Saloon program, which is my three month social media group coaching course where I teach business owners and content creators how to master instagram. Fast forward to current day: I’ve taught over 100 students and I am about to launch the fourth round of The Saloon!

What challenges have you faced in launching your brand / business? How did you overcome them?

The absolute biggest challenge hands down was imposter syndrome. I have taken so many pivots over the years from graphic designer, to fitness instructor, to content creator, to now social media coach, and each time a new path is begun, it’s so easy to let fears of inadequacies or voices that say “who are YOU to be doing this?!” creep into your mind.

What I’ve come to learn is though is that imposter syndrome is something we all feel, and at the end of the day, no one has it all figured out. No one knows exactly what they are doing. We are all figuring out as we go.

The biggest thing is to continue to take action and to continue to show up despite feelings of self doubt, because that is when people usually quit. Instead of saying “why me?!” I’ve learned to replace that with “why NOT me?!”. 

Vistaprint...has been a one stop shop for all things printing and promotional, so I can easily log on, select what I need, upload my designs, and voila!
— Jera Foster-Fell, Founder, The Social Media Saloon

How has Vistaprint helped you grow, evolve, or adapt your business? What are some of the tools and services you have used and how did they help you? 

Anytime it comes to making decisions for my business whether it be for marketing, development, or finances, I try to be efficient as possible. Vistaprint has absolutely fulfilled that need for me as it has been a one stop shop for all things printing and promotional, so I can easily log on, select what I need, upload my designs, and voila!

One of the most important parts of my program, The Social Media Saloon, is the community aspect. Over the course of the three months, the students really bond and develop a camaraderie which is beautiful to see. I want to add to that collective energy however I can, so I decided to develop some merch for my students: sweatshirts, hats, notebooks, pens, and post-it notes. Sending off these packages of Social Media Saloon items has been a wonderful element of surprise and delight for the students when they embark upon their social media journey!

How do visual elements play a role in your branding? How are they important to your overall marketing strategy?

I would say that the bulk of the visual elements that make up my business currently are the ways in which I present my brand via social media, so think photography, videography, graphics, etc. Coming from a creative background, these visual elements are an important representation of what I do, and in a more laid back sense, they’re an expression of myself as well. I absolutely love taking creative photos, trying new photos, or incorporating props. I also really enjoy creating short form videos, whether they be for TikTok or for Reels. The rise of different things like trends and transitions has really unlocked a new way of creating for me and has pushed me to think of new ways to show up in social media in a visual sense.

Don’t wait until things seem perfect or when you feel totally ready. Take messy action. We learn from doing, creating, and making mistakes.
— Jera Foster-Fell, Founder, The Social Media Saloon

What tips would you give to other aspiring female entrepreneurs to help them launch or scale their businesses?

  • Comparison is the thief of joy. Don’t compare your chapter 1 to someone else’s 57. Everyone started somewhere, and just because someone is “further along” than you doesn’t mean you can’t throw your hat into the ring.

  • Don’t wait until things seem perfect or when you feel totally ready. Take messy action. We learn from doing, creating, and making mistakes.

  • Invest in yourself. Sometimes it’s necessary to spend money in order to get to the next level. Investing in a business coach a year ago was one of the smartest decisions I’ve made for myself. It was the most money I’ve ever shelled out before, but it was a pivotal decision in me taking action to create my business.

  • You’re not here to please everyone. The quote from Dita Von Teese has always resonated with me: “ You can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world, and there’s still going to be somebody who hates peaches.”

  • Don’t take yourself too seriously. Remember to find the humor in the everyday and to laugh at yourself along the way. 

What would you like to see change for the next generation of female entrepreneurs?

Here’s what I would like to see for the next generation of female entrepreneurs:

  • To inherently believe in their worth

  • To fully step into their confidence and voice

  • To always push boundaries and stereotypes

  • And lastly, a society that encourages and supports more female entrepreneurs


Jera Foster-Fell went from drowning in a soul-sucking job with no defined purpose while suffering from social anxiety, to dominating the lifestyle sector of social media and owning a multiple six-figure social media coaching business. She has crowned herself the queen of pivoting: from graphic design, to SoulCycle instructor, to content creator, to social media coach. She has built her community to more than 170k on Instagram and 1 million on TikTok (in less than a year!) and now Jera's current passion is teaching all that she's learned to others with her signature course The Social Media Saloon and with her one-on-one clients. Jera coaches on the ins and outs of creating your own personal brand online, the secrets to building a loyal and engaged community, and all the steps that it takes to use social media as a power + positive tool for your business.