'Real Stories' From Vistaprint Alum: Hayet Rida, Founder, That Hayet Rida — Create + Cultivate

'Real Stories' From Vistaprint Alum: Hayet Rida, Founder, That Hayet Rida


As part of our Create & Cultivate x Vistaprint Brand Campus, we’re sharing all the ways that Vistaprint can help you grow, adapt, and evolve your business. Discover "Real Stories'' from Vistaprint Alums, and learn how entrepreneurs use Vistaprint as a one-stop-shop for all of their small business marketing solutions.

Whether you’re sourcing a physical product, seeking digital design services, or simply looking for inspiration, Vistaprint is the marketing partner that enables small business owners to elevate their brands – at every stage of their journey. Read on to discover how real business owners use Vistaprint's design capabilities and wide product selection to help their businesses grow organically—and how you can too.

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Hayet Rida, Founder, That Hayet Rida

What do you love most about having your own brand/ business?

My favorite part about having my own brand and business is the connection to the community. As an entrepreneur, we tend to think we are just selling ideas or products – but our businesses are really an avenue to connect deeper with the community.

Have you always been entrepreneurial? What led you to take that first step and establish your own brand/business?

I would say, yes – I have always been entrepreneurial. When I was about seven I started making bracelets out of beads. I had no idea what ‘business’ was but I understood at some level that I was making something other people would want, and that I could sell it to them. It took me a bit longer to cultivate the confidence to make the leap to full solopreneur, but I’m glad to be where I am now.


What challenges have you faced in launching your brand / business? How did you overcome them?

The greatest challenge I faced launching my business was getting out of my own way. I would overthink everything, wondering what if it didn’t work – but what if it did work? What if I don’t have enough time? What if nobody likes my product? At the end of the day I realized that I did not have the answers to those questions. And the only way I would be able to get the answers to those questions was if I gave it a try.

I trust Vistaprint to help me create quality products that reflect and elevate my brand.
— Hayet Rida, Founder, That Hayet Rida

How has Vistaprint helped you grow, evolve, or adapt your business? What are some of the tools and services you have used and how did they help you? 

For one of my businesses, Aïya Candle Co., I wanted to convey a luxury experience to our customers with beautiful visuals in our shipping boxes. I used Vistaprint to design beautiful, high-end campaign cards, which really helped to elevate the entire experience. As for my other business, my blog, I like to keep stationary on hand to surprise my supporters with a handwritten thank you note from time to time. Through Vistaprint, I was able to create a quality set of ‘thank you’ stationary, which not only reflected my brand and my business, but my relationship with my community.

How do visual elements play a role in your branding? How are they important to your overall marketing strategy?

Visual elements are the key to branding. It’s not just the imagery and the photography, but how you communicate your brand message all the way down to your notepads, the stationary, the product packaging, and all of the things in between. I trust Vistaprint to help me create quality products that reflect and elevate my brand, without having to worry about ordering high volumes.

We don’t always have to have these big audacious ideas. Sometimes the true value lies in the smallest idea executed by the smartest people.
— Hayet Rida, Founder, That Hayet Rida

What tips would you give to other aspiring female entrepreneurs to help them launch or scale their businesses?

My only advice to other business owners and entrepreneurs, especially women, is to get out of our own way. Often we seek other people to help nurture us into the confidence to launch our business. But the sooner we realize that though we must work together, believe in each other, and share a vision, ultimately the chance is ours to take. And last but not least, know that it is OK to fail. Failure is a part of growth. When you fail, you learn, you adopt, you grow.


What would you like to see change for the next generation of female entrepreneurs?

I hope the next generation of female entrepreneurs is not afraid to share and build their ideas – even if they seem silly or obvious. Some of the best ideas are low hanging fruit and we wonder why someone hasn’t done it already. Well, the reason why nobody has done it, is because it’s for you to do. We don’t always have to have these big audacious ideas. Sometimes the true value lies in the smallest idea executed by the smartest people..


Hayet Rida

When I was starting this brand, I wanted it to be more than just a product, but a full experience that was built on not only my vision, but a strong team of black women. In every production, and visual decision I chose to hire 100% black women. Every product is the labor of our own vulnerability, trust in ourselves and desire to remind our customers that they deseve black owned luxury.