This Globetrotting Entrepreneur’s Nighttime Routine Involves Tidying Up the House Before Bed — Create + Cultivate

This GlobeTrotting Mom's Nighttime Routine Might Be Unorthodox But It Works

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Hailey Devine knows the difference a quality mattress can make. The co-founder of Somewhere Devine Expeditions, a non-profit travel company, has trekked everywhere from Zambia to Peru to Thailand, which, as you’d imagine, has involved sleeping in a lot of different environments. “I’ve slept on poorly made mattresses and it makes me feel as if I never slept at all,” explains the entrepreneur and mother of two daughters, Greta (4) and Lucy (6). “The same goes for the kids. I know that if they’re not sleeping on a good mattress I’m going to deal with a lot of crankiness the following day!”

With travel plans temporarily on hold due to COVID, Devine and her family have been settling in at their home in Utah and preparing for the arrival of their third daughter in early 2021. One of the biggest game-changers for the growing family? Moving their youngest into a Purple kid’s mattress. “This was Greta’s transition to a ‘big girl bed’ and it has gone so much smoother than I thought,” says Devine. “I’ve noticed both of the girls winding down a lot easier and getting that good quality sleep that their little bodies need, which makes everyone around our house much happier and energetic!”

Scroll on to learn more about their experience with the new Purple kid’s mattress and Devine’s nightly routine, including her 10-minute ritual of tidying up the house after the kids go down to bed.

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CREATE & CULTIVATE: It’s so important that moms get their 8-hours just as much as the kids. What is your relationship with sleep now that you have two young daughters (and another one on the way!)?

HAILEY DEVINE: I feel like we are in the sweet spot of parenthood right now because Lucy and Greta sleep 10 hours a night! So not only do I get to have “me time” before bed, but I’m currently getting a full 8 hours of sleep! I think we’re in for a rude awakening come January.

Sleep, or lack of it, can contribute to many health concerns including mental health, productivity, weight, immunity—the list goes on! Getting good sleep is all about how you wind down before bed. Can you share your nighttime routine or pre-sleep ritual and how that sets you up for sleep success? Why does this enhance a more restful night’s sleep?

I love spending ten minutes tidying up the house after the kids go down to bed. It allows me to actually relax when I get in bed, knowing that I’m waking up to a clean slate in the morning! I also love taking a bath, reading a book, and rubbing some essential oils on my neck and feet.

What are your nightstand must-haves for a good night’s sleep?

Sound machine, chapstick, essential oils, and ice water!

What are your hacks for getting through the day after a bad night’s sleep? 

Eating well and exercising. If I don’t do those things on top of bad sleep, then I really become a monster!

What do your kids’ sleep rituals look like? Can you share the challenges of getting your kids into a healthy sleep routine—what’s worked/what hasn’t? 

The girls sleep in the same room and do the same sleep rituals together, which makes it more simple for us. We brush teeth, go potty, read, and pray together. Our oldest tends to get scared, and what has worked is validating her feelings and having her verbalize, “I am safe, I am loved, I am protected,” and re-shift her focus to happy thoughts. What hasn’t helped is punishment.

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Can you recommend any books that have helped?

Taking Cara Babies has an amazing sleep program! Babywise was also helpful, although, we apply a more gentle approach to sleep training.

How much have your sleep patterns and rituals changed since quarantine? Why?

Surprisingly, our sleep patterns and rituals haven’t changed! The kids didn’t seem to skip a beat.

How much does your mattress impact your and your kids’ sleep and why?

Speaking for myself, I’ve slept on poorly made mattresses and it makes me feel as if I never slept at all! The same goes for the kids. I know that if they’re not sleeping on a good mattress I’m going to deal with a lot of crankiness the following day!

Now, your favorite mattress brand, Purple just launched for kids and yours have been testing it. What were your kids’ first impressions—how has it enhanced their sleep, what changes have you noticed, would you recommend it—tell us everything!

This was Greta’s transition to a “big girl bed” and it has gone so much smoother than I thought, thanks to the mattress! I’ve noticed both of the girls winding down a lot easier and getting that good quality sleep that their little bodies need, which makes everyone around our house much happier and energetic!

How are you teaching your children about the importance of sleep hygiene and rituals for a good night’s sleep? Can you recommend any books? 

With our kids, it is all about learning by experience. We let Lucy, our oldest, make choices on the weekends to have sleepovers with cousins on the floor, etc., but we let her know what the consequences are. That she will probably wake up feeling yucky and not feeling her best. So moving forward, she can make her own healthy decisions!

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What advice do you have for sleep-deprived parents reading this who are struggling to find a routine that sticks and gets their kids into a routine? 

The earlier you can start healthy sleeping habits the better! Giving your children the gift of self-soothing may be rough for a couple of nights, but it is so worth it for everyone in the long run. We started with the eat-wake-sleep method right out of the gate with Greta and it’s crazy how better of a sleeper she is than Lucy. 

If you’re feeling like you’re late in the game, it is never too late to teach self-soothing techniques to your child through affirmations and tools to help them get back to sleep on their own. It takes more effort as the child is older, but don’t give up. Stay patient and gentle. Remember your child reflects the energy that you put out. You got this!

Sentence finishers:

When I make time for self-care, I…

Perform better for me and for those around me.

My go-to tip for a good night’s sleep is …

All hidden in your nighttime routine!

If there were more hours in the day I would…

Probably choose to take a nap daily! Haha! I love my sleep.

Moms know best because…

We have an intuition for our children that others do not.

A good night’s sleep feels like…

The greatest gift, especially after those first weeks after giving birth!

I’d give up ____ for an uninterrupted 8 hours of sleep. 

My social life.

The silliest thing I’ve done while sleep deprived is… 

Laughing uncontrollably and then bursting into tears over absolutely nothing!

Click here to learn more from other moms on their sleep tips, nighttime routine, and experience with the new Purple Kid's Mattress.