Pro Tip: Jaclyn's Top Apps for the Modern #Girlboss — Create + Cultivate

Pro Tip: Jaclyn's Top Apps for the Modern #Girlboss

The millennial proverb “there’s an app for that” is both terrifying and amazing. We truly are living in an on-demand society—pretty much anything you want delivered to in an hour or less. While I don’t plan on exploring the larger implications of this phenomenon, I will say that as a busy entrepreneurial female, there are a few apps that have made my life easier. Way easier.  So get ready to boot up your iPhone and download these life savers.



Hate the post office? Who doesn’t. Finding a box, locating packing tape, drive, wait in line, get into a casual altercation in the parking lot... No, thank you. Shyp takes all of that away. You just snap a photo of an item (any item!), and they will send you back shipping options, take your pick and someone will show up at your door to take your item, pack it, ship it, and sending you tracking information. Plus you can Shyp your first item free so #whynot. We use it for everything in our office. (Editor’s Note: Next week, read about a blogger/author who self-published and used Shyp to mail out all his book orders!)  



Flowers on-demand. No longer are you a slave to the antiquated 1-800-flowers nightmare of 6-day delivery for $100. In 45 minutes, your special someone (or clients!) can have a fresh, adorable bouquet in their hands.



The magic that is a fresh blow-out and makeup on-demand is one that I cannot get enough of. Within in hours, you can have your own personal Glam Squad at your house, office, car (ok, not your car, but wouldn’t that be great?). Try it ASAP. It’s fun to play Kardashian for a day (or a special night out)! Stylisted will also be on-site all day at #createcultivateCHI doing braids & lips, so if you haven’t gotten your ticket: you’re doing it wrong.



Splitting the bill at lunch has never been easier with venmo! All the girls in our office are constantly Venmo-ing each other for coffee-runs, after work drinks, etc. It’s easy and fun—plus if you have freelancers, it’s an easy way to pay them out vs having to write checks!



Luxe promises to make you "fall in love with parking" which, I know, seems impossible. Have you ever arrived to a meeting 15 minutes early, only to find out there is absolutely no parking, only cash lots in sight, you’re fresh out of cash, and then suddenly—you’re 15 minutes late, sweating from the walk, and fumbling over your words to apologize. No? Just me? Well, consider Luxe your own personal valet.