The HAIM Sisters Are Redefining the Music Industry One Lyric at a Time — Create + Cultivate

Create & Cultivate 100: Music: Este Haim, Danielle Haim, and Alana Haim

Their harmonies have touched the hearts and imaginations of millions around the world along with their effortless style (California rock’n’roll with a 70s twist) and bohemian locks (there are thousands of Pins dedicated to their hair). Yes, the HAIM sisters, Este, Danielle, and Alana have taken over our lives and we’re not mad about it. But while their music is soothing, the lyrics tell a different story.

These Cali sisters aren’t messing around when it comes to their message—they’re not afraid to rip up the rule book and do things their way. They’re also paving the way for female musicians and aren’t here to be treated differently to their male counterparts telling the Guardian that “we can go toe-to-toe with any male rock band and blow them out of the water.” And we believe them. Read on to learn why we’re honoring them in our top 10 for music and how saying “no” more led to more “yes.’”

CREATE & CULTIVATE: Your parents started your musical education early. Can you take us back to that time? How old were you? What was it like in the HAIM household? Can you share some of your fondest memories of those early years learning music and finding your voice/style as musicians?

ESTE, DANIELLE, ALANA HAIM: We obviously grew up in a very musical household, there was always music playing. We would do the dishes to disco music with our mom and dad on Saturday nights. We would listen to the radio on family road trips and our parents would harmonize with each other. I think that’s what fostered our love of harmony.

How did you learn how to write music? In an interview, you said it was through dissecting classic rock songs and disco numbers your parents listened to—Is that true? What does your writing process look like now? Where do you source inspiration? How do you work together on music? What does each of you bring to the writing process? How has it changed from the beginning of your career to now? How has your music evolved?

Yes, that is very true! We would listen to the radio and record songs to tape and then learn them by ear. We’re lucky that we’ve built a very trusting relationship when it comes to songwriting in that there is truly no judgment when it comes to throwing out ideas. We know that you have to go through 100 million bad ideas to get to one good one so we collectively trust that the weird ideas we come up with won’t be met with anything other than support.

When you hit a bump or hurdle in your career, how do you #FindNewRoads + switch gears to find success?

We love a challenge. When someone tells us that something isn’t possible we thrive on proving them wrong.

We’ve said ‘no’ more than we’ve said ‘yes,’ and that has led to more opportunities than anything.

The music industry is historically male-dominated. What has been your experience? Do you see a change coming through? What hopes do you have for the future? What advice can you share for other female musicians coming up behind you?

We have seen some changes for the better so we are hopeful. By the same token, we also have a long way to go! My sisters and I have always known exactly what we want and how we want it done and that has been the key.

Who are the women in the industry that have been mentors and supporters for you? Why? How has this person shaped you and your career?

Jenny Lewis was one of the first people who truly championed us which was crazy since we’ve been fans of hers since 2001. She took Danielle on tour in 2009 and ever since then has been a beacon of light that inspires us.

Your melodies and harmonies might be sweet but they have an edge and a rebellious spirit—you've ripped up the rule book and are determined to do things your way. Where do these "zero fucks given" energy come from? How do you summon that fearlessness? How has this influenced your music? What message do you hope it conveys to fans?

Our family is full of very strong-minded independent women who have always inspired us to do things our own way. We're also very lucky we have each other when support is needed.

With success comes opportunity but that also means you have your hands full—what keeps you inspired and motivated to keep going even on your most challenging days?

Our creativity and drive never wains. We also make sure to surround ourselves with creative-driven people that keep us on our toes.

The filtered world of social media often hides a lot of the hard work and hustle behind-the-scenes—What are the key traits required to be a success?


The music industry is fairly cut-throat and competitive—What advice do you have for musicians coming up now? What do you wish you'd know when you were first starting out? Why?

Never take no for an answer—if you want something done, do it yourself.

You've achieved so much success since your first album—What are some of the biggest lessons you’ve learned along the way and what have they taught you?

Take your time but also know when something is finished.

We love a challenge. When someone tells us that something isn’t possible we thrive on proving them wrong.

What is the hardest decision you’ve ever had to make professionally? Why? And how did you turn it into an opportunity?

We've said “no” more than we've said “yes,” and that has led to more opportunities than anything.

You have had incredible success already but what does success mean to you? How do you measure success?

It means so much to us that we can play shows anywhere in the world and our fans with show up! That’s the best part of the job.

In a saturated industry, what do you think makes you and your music stand out? How can others reading this find/create a unique point of view? How do you stay true to who you are and your voice?

Try to write something every day. Even if it’s just a cool line or one cool melody. Don’t feel pressure to write a full song when you sit down to work.

What is the #1 book you always recommend? And what is the #1 album you always recommend?

Letters to a Young Poet by Rainer Maria Rilke. And for album, Miles of Aisles by Joni Mitchell.