Links from our Group Chat — Create + Cultivate

Links from our Group Chat

Straight from our texts to you, we're introducing, #linksfromourgroupchat. 

This is what we send each other back and forth all day. There's some serious sh*t. Some not-so straight-faced stuff. And some stuff to make you go hmmm.

Curl up on the couch. We've got your Sunday reading. 

The most powerful Serena Williams pens a column on how black women can close the pay gap for Black Women's Equal Pay Day.  

A hammock for your boobs? Yeah, some of us would wear the Ta-ta towel

What did you want to be when you grew up? How about Women in Black? Protecting the planet from aliens. Thatsajob.

Have you been regramming photos on IG and not crediting? Read all the rules here

"My buddy." Patti Smith pens a moving note to her friend writer Sam Shepard who passed away last week.  

What '90s brand is making a major comeback and tapping this celeb stylist?

Millennials are going au naturel with their armpits.