Letter from the Editor: Then & Now — Create + Cultivate

Letter from the Editor: Then & Now

A shibori tie dye workshop with Honestly WTF at the very first Create  & Cultivate in Palm Springs, CA. 

A shibori tie dye workshop with Honestly WTF at the very first Create  & Cultivate in Palm Springs, CA. 

cre·ate / krēˈāt 
to bring (something) into existence

cul·ti·vate /ˈkəltəˌvāt 
to apply oneself to improving or developing


Hello Create & Cultivators, 

I am so excited to share our new site with you and our latest and greatest conference: Chicago! Create & Cultivate started nearly 4 years ago as an idea developed from the thought that some of the most inspiring people I know sit behind a computer 8 hours a day. I wanted to see what would happen if we got people offline—even if just for a day—to re-connect, create ideas, and cultivate new friendships. Hence Create & Cultivate was born.

Since our first conference in 2011, the Create & Cultivate community has grown into the tens of thousands. It is full of passionate creative entrepreneurs, ready and willing to learn, meet, and grow alongside us.  I wanted to create a brand that lives offline and online, an epicenter of information about being a creative entrepreneur in the modern world, a place where you can find the tools and advice you need to move your business forward, and of course, a conference where you can meet like-minded individuals that want to collaborate and move the needle with you.

We hope to bring you "real talk" content, the type of content that I wish I could have turned to at times in my career—from breaking up with a business partner to dealing with clients that won't pay—we will be tackling the topics you want (and sometimes need) to hear about. Beyond that, we are excited to be launching a podcast all about creative entrepreneurs and their process in the next few months, spearheaded by our amazingly talented Editorial Director (longtime friend, colleague, and creative entrepreneur in her own right), Jazzi McGilbert. 

I am also thrilled to also announce Create & Cultivate's partnership with Clique Media (Who What Wear, Byrdie and Domaine)—not only the home of some of my favorite sites on the web, but now also our official media partner for the conference. 

The line up for Chicago is K I L L E R and we will be dropping more speakers, mentors, and panelists throughout the month, so be sure to keep it tuned right here! Meanwhile, join conversation on our Instagram and group page on Facebook. I am consistently inspired by YOU, the attendees, my colleagues, and friends so please let us know how we can support you further. 

I can't wait to see your faces at #CreateCultivateCHI!


Jaclyn  Johnson
