How Celebrity Dog Groomer Jess Rona Turned Her Passion Into Dollars and Cents — Create + Cultivate

How Celebrity Dog Groomer Jess Rona Turned Her Passion Into Dollars and Cents

Photo: Courtesy of Jess Rona

Photo: Courtesy of Jess Rona

Listen to the full episode here.

How many times have you been told to “follow your passion?”

It’s advice that pops up in graduation speeches, Instagram captions, and dozens of career articles. But following your passion is easier said than done. According to a recent Deloitte survey of 3,000 full-time U.S. workers, across job levels and industries, only 20% say they are truly passionate about their work. 

Thankfully, today's WorkParty guest knows a thing or two about how to follow a passion—and turn it into a profitable business!—and can share her insights with us.

Jess Rona has turned what was once a part-time career as a dog groomer into a full-fledged business complete with a celebrity client list, a coffee table book, and an HBO Max series. And it all started with a viral Instagram video.

On this episode of WorkParty, Jaclyn Johnson chats with the actress, comedian, and celebrity dog groomer about how she turned her passion into dollars and cents.

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On launching her first brick-and-mortar location during COVID…

“When you make a decision to take a big swing and a big risk, you will be tested like you have never been tested.”

On taking a risk and being equal parts excited and terrified…

“If anybody out there is listening and they're about to embark and take a huge risk and they're terrified, just know that if you are equal parts excited and terrified you are in the sweet spot for growth.”

On embracing fear as an entrepreneur…

“Your fear is technically there to protect you so what I want to encourage people is to feel your fear. Make friends with your fear, and know your fear will never leave.”

“Every single entrepreneur has fear. It's not like it'll just go away, we are human beings with human feelings.”

On taking baby steps toward a big goal…

“I just want to encourage people to have a lot of patience with themselves and take baby steps. Do one tiny thing every day because doing one tiny thing every day will create a big difference.”

On the books she always recommends to entrepreneurs…

“I love the book ‘The Magic’ by Rhonda Byrne it's a daily gratitude workbook. I could not recommend it enough, it will change your life.”

“‘Secrets of the Millionaire Mind’ by T. Harv Eker is an amazing book.”

“‘You Are a Badass at Making Money’ is like my Bible. That's the book that helped me launch the brick-and-mortar.”

On the importance of having tenacity…

“Tenacity, faith, gratitude that is a skeleton of an entrepreneur. You just have to have so much tenacity and faith and gratitude.”

“You will have bad days, but don’t let one bad day derail your plan. You’re going to have them. Ride the wave.”