How to Write an Elevator Pitch (and Make a Good First Impression) — Create + Cultivate

You Only Have 30 Seconds—How to Write an Elevator Pitch That'll Make a First Good Impression

Photo by Daria Shevtsova from Pexels

An elevator pitch is one of the most essential parts of perfecting your personal brand. With that said, this important element remains somewhat of a mystery to many people. Most of us are not taught how to write or deliver an elevator pitch, so many ends up faltering and delivering a weak or clumsy pitch.

A lot of people don’t even know what an elevator pitch is (some have never heard the term). Whatever category you fall into, learning how to write your elevator pitch isn’t as overwhelming as it may seem.

What is an elevator pitch?

Your elevator pitch is one of the most important parts of pitching yourself to others whether it’s at a holiday party, for a job, a writing opportunity, or to gain experience. You’re pitching yourself anytime you meet someone or try to further develop your career, so it is essential to gain confidence in giving your elevator pitch. An elevator pitch is a short and persuasive speech that shows your value. Your elevator pitch should summarize who you are, what you do, why you’re unique, and how you can help/benefit/add value to the person you’re pitching. You should know it by heart and be able to say your elevator pitch at any time, from a casual conversation with friends to a job interview.

How to build your perfect elevator pitch

Your elevator pitch should comprise of three main components:

1.     Who you are.

2.     What you do/what product you’re pitching.

3.     What value you bring to the table.

These three main components of an elevator pitch are so important because they help to tell a well-rounded story. Who you are and what your background is helps the listener create a connection with you and provides insight as to your unique characteristics. What you do/what product you’re pitching explains your purpose, and sharing the value you bring finishes the story by showing the listener how you can benefit them.

A great elevator pitch always shows how you (or your product) brings value to the listener. This concept is similar to how you might think about a job interview; you always want to highlight the value you offer. By nature as humans, we often want to understand how we fit into the equation or how we can be part of something, so when you show the listener how you can provide value to them, you’ll be more likely to get them on board with your pitch.

Additionally, you’ll want to be sure and cater your pitch to your audience. For example, if you’re speaking to tech people, use tech examples or try to utilize some industry jargon if possible. Ultimately, while the foundation will be the same, a great elevator pitch will adapt slightly based on the audience to ensure that the pitch provides value to those unique listeners.

How to perfect your elevator pitch

Practice makes perfect, and the best way to perfect your elevator pitch is to practice it in different situations. As mentioned above, a great elevator pitch is adaptable, so practice giving your elevator pitch for and in different scenarios. If you are able to, giving your pitch to an actual person will be extremely beneficial. A great way to practice is to give your elevator pitch to a friend and ask them to give you feedback on three main aspects:

·       What they learned

·       What they wish they learned/what information you should include

·       Where they think you could improve

This exercise will help you figure out where you are with your elevator pitch and how you can improve it to perfect this important part of your personal brand. If you’re doing this exercise, be sure to actually listen to what they say and notice, and use that to improve your pitch. Something that might seem innate to you when you’re giving your pitch may not come to mind when someone else listens to it. Treat the feedback like market research and use it to improve your personal brand,

About the Author

Michele Lando is a certified professional resume writer, personal branding expert, and founder of Write Styles. She has a passion for helping others present the best version of themselves both on paper and in person and works to polish individuals' application package and personal style. Aiming to help create a perfect personal branding package, Write Styles provides resources to enhance your resume, professional appearance, and boost your confidence. Michele strives to help others gain the confidence to put their best foot forward in a personal and professional light.