How to Pivot in Your Career and Life, According to an Empowerment Coach — Create + Cultivate

5 Reasons Why Your Opinion Matters More Than Anyone Else's When Pivoting in Your Life

Photo: Courtesy of Alexa Glazer

Photo: Courtesy of Alexa Glazer

Pandemic or not, we are constantly needing and learning how to pivot. Whether that’s in our personal life, our business, or our relationships, things are constantly changing. Right now specifically, we are in a unique state. We are all transitioning into different seasons, unknown waters, and taking steps to a place we never thought we would be. This, my friends, is pivoting and it’s here, whether you like it or not. Might as well embrace it, right?

As you may wake up in the morning with a bit of anxiety, unsure of what the day holds, I'd like to remind you that the world is not ending, it’s just taking a giant pivot and asking you to do the same. The universe doesn’t hate us, it’s just nudging us to slow down. It’s reminding us to move forward with grace and find comfort in the fact that literally everyone’s plans are changing. Everyone’s world feels crushed. 

Maybe you lost your job and want to start a side-hustle. You’re a stay at home mom and you want to become an entrepreneur. You’re swooning over the idea of taking a year off and traveling the country while living in a van. Maybe you’re dreaming big and finally want to write that book, advocate for something bigger than you, start a podcast, quit your job, bike across America, or some other insanely epic ventures.

Pivots in your life don’t mean failure. They mean opportunity and they stand for visions. They include your crazy ideas and new beginnings. Pivoting is for the dreams you never thought could come true but can and should.

When you’re faced with the opportunity to pivot, you’re also faced with a lot of unsolicited advice. Advice from friends, family, or coworkers that you did not ask for, nor want, but now have you put an insane amount of pressure on your situation.

Then, you also have the advice you do ask for. The advice you’re hoping people will just tell you what you want to hear rather than the advice from those that don’t understand, don’t care, or are playing devil's advocate. 

I want you to know that it’s okay to ask for advice. It’s okay to hear unsolicited advice and let it go in one ear and out the other. Most importantly, it’s okay to not let anyone else’s opinion affect your own. To know that while other opinions may hold value, they may be important, that does not warrant you to take it and apply it to your life.

Here are reasons why your opinion matters more than anyone else’s when pivoting in your life.

1. You are the only one who has to live with it.

You live what you decide. Plain and simple. No one else has to live with the decisions you make. That being said, if you decide to listen to someone else's opinion over your own knowing that your heart is elsewhere, you will be sorry, sister.

2. The fear you’re feeling means you're interested.

You ask for other people's opinions because you're scared of pushing or pulling yourself into something unknown. So what do you do? You ask others for the answer in hopes that someone will have the perfect formula for your success rather than just knowing the fear you are feeling means you’re interested, so trust it and go for it. Worst comes to worst, you have to pivot again.

3. Everything is temporary.

If you pivot and it doesn’t work out, guess what? It’s temporary. We’re human beings, we were made to evolve into our highest self daily. This means that making decisions should run off of what feels good to you at that moment. It means that, regardless of the outcome, you will have to pivot again, and that’s okay, it’s necessary, it’s temporary.

4. You are the one getting feelings not them.

Trust your gut. Your body and mind are telling you to pivot for a reason. A lot of times, our body tells us when something needs to change. We get that “breakup” feeling in the pit of our stomach and we can’t stop overthinking. Being okay with your gut decisions is more important than pleasing someone else’s ego and advice. 

5. You are the only one taking on true investment.

Whether that is your time or your money, respect it. Invest only in the things that will hold power and value to your life. No one will understand you dropping $5,000 on a mastermind if they never have. No one will understand you spending 100 free hours on a yoga certification if they haven’t done it themselves. No one will understand but you. If it feels right, do it. If that’s what you need to do to move the needle in your business, life, or relationships, do it. 

No matter the similarities of someone else’s life to yours, they will always be different. Regardless of the experience, someone else has, you need to experience things for yourself. While we live in a world full of opinions I need you to know that your opinion of yourself and of your life matters the most. 

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“Trust your gut. Your body and mind are telling you to pivot for a reason.”

—Alexa Glazer

About the Author: Alexa Glazer is a purpose and empowerment coach, a speaker, the author of the book “Livin' the Dream Today Because Tomorrow Is Not Promised,” and a full-time adventurer. She’s a free spirit with an old soul making people feel seen, heard, and loved through words—written and spoken. She leads with empathy and shares the power of chasing our curiosity. Alexa craves giving people the courage to go live their dream through lightbulb moments, storytelling, and human connection.