Do you have a great idea but don't know how to bring it to life? Well, before you start calling manufacturers or building a website, there's one thing Idalia Salsamendi says you have to do first: Find your why. Okay, so it sounds like a school project at first but here's why you need to take the time and put in the effort. Your "why" will be the backbone of your business and when building that killer Media Kit which can land your dream partnership jobs. Not sure what your "why?" is or how to make the perfect Media Kit? Don't stress, we asked Salsamendi, CEO and founder of top influencer and brand strategy company Idalia Salsamendi INC and founder/host of Realization Podcast to take show you how in our three-part series. Read on to start creating yours, then join her at our Vision Summit in Miami for her workshop, Pitch Perfect: How to Create a Media Kit That Turns Brands Into Paying Clients exclusive to C&C Insiders and she’ll show you how to turn that “why” into money.
Photo: Courtesy of Create & Cultivate
PART THREE: You + Me = $
We’ve reached my favorite part! The part where we build a successful career by teaming up with the brands and companies that are aligned with our values. Now before you start rolling your eyes thinking I’m going to whip out the banjo, hear me out.
We found your “why?”
We found the authentic place you should be operating from.
Now it’s time to make money off of it. Tah-Dah!
In one way or another, all my Online Business Kits dedicate themselves to this exact mission: making money authentically. Sounds like some magical unicorn? It’s not. Once you discover and really truly start living your purpose <<ahem, this will be ever-evolving>> you’ll see that you’re going to start attracting those in the same wavelength. I’m sure you’ve heard of the Law of Attraction, right? That we attract whatever we put our focus on. Well, in this industry it’s no different.
A classic and phenomenal example is when I created the “12 Days of Chris-elle” for Chriselle Lim back in 2016. Knowing that Chriselle is suchhhhh a grateful and giving soul, I wanted to create a charity initiative during the holidays that could not only help charities and those in need but also connect with brands that have that same unwavering belief. We actually teamed up with killer brands like Tory Burch, Essie, and La Prairie, for example, to not only spread the word about different charities but also make a sizable contribution. Within the last three years, we’ve been able to give $70,000 to those in need. Isn’t that just wild?
Let’s break it down even more:
WHY? Because if you’re going to have a following on a platform, you need to use it for good.
EGO vs. SERVICE? Service. We’re putting the ego aside and serving those in need.
AUTHENTIC TEAMING? 100%. We partner only with those that share our vision of giving back.
The beauty of this is that you don’t have to wait for the holidays. This can be an on-going thing and all the talent I work with, in one way or another, do it. Everyone has a different passion and different things they believe in, and that’s the beauty of the industry and your relationship to it.
“Whatever you do, it’s got to make sense for your business and it has to be in line with your brand. ”
So besides being proactive about teaming up as I mentioned above, I’m sure you’re asking yourself: “Well, what about the brands that approach me, Idalia? Does everyone I work with realllyyyyyyyy have to match up to my values?”
Meh. I can’t answer that for you. Partly because I know sometimes you gotta put food on the table, and partly because I ain’t no one to judge in either case. All I’m saying here is that whatever you do, it’s got to make sense for your business and it has to be in line with your brand. If you’re a very conservative dresser and you’ve built your business being that way, maybe don’t accept that thong client asking to showcase your arse on an Instagram post for a sh*t ton of money.
You have to stick true to your branding and to your mission statement (remember that cute moment we shared in the first article?). This is business marketing 101, so listen up: stay on brand! Be loyal to your brand. Be loyal to your followers. Make a business out of it… wisely.
Oh, and about my Online Business Kits, I’ll tell you what. I’m going to give you a 25% off code (Use the code “PURPOSE” at checkout) so that you can take your business to the next level. It’s been a true delight being able to share this three-part series with you and I genuinely hope it’s inspired, informed, and empowered you to continue shooting for the stars.
A special thank you to the team at Create & Cultivate for this incredible opportunity.
Until next time my friends!
Don’t miss Idalia Salsamendi’s workshop, “Pitch Perfect: How to Create a Media Kit That Turns Brands Into Paying Clients” at Vision Summit in Miami on December 7, exclusive to Insider’s members. Not a member? Sign up HERE!
About the Author
Idalia Salsamendi, CEO/founder of Idalia Salsamendi INC and founder/host of Realization Podcast
Idalia is an industry-leading business strategist and social media consultant. With over 16 years of experience in PR and top-tier talent management, Idalia opened her company in 2016 with a strategy for both brands and influencers at its core. Known for being selective towards the types of projects and clients she engages, the mantra for her company is to inspire, inform, empower. Her roster includes Chriselle Lim, Brittany Xavier, Jacey Duprie, Chopard, and Valentino to name a few.
Also an enthusiastic public speaker, Idalia makes time to speak at top international conferences and businesses such as WWD Style Summit, FOHR U, Karlo Otto Paris, and now Create and Cultivate to share her knowledge of the digital media space while also gaining a wider and more global perspective about the industry.
Missed out on Gina Bianchini’s incredible session from our Offsite? No worries! We’re sharing her insights on building a thriving community that feels like a real network, not just an audience.