How to Thoughtfully Create and Consume Content During the COVID-19 Outbreak — Create + Cultivate

Slow Stories: Creating and Consuming Content During the COVID-19 Outbreak

Photo: Courtesy of Slow Stories

The spread of COVID-19 has upended the business community on a global level. However, living in an age of profound interconnectivity has brought people together in ways that we never expected—especially on social media.

Like so many others, I've tirelessly refreshed my news and social feeds and watched as they've unearthed a variety of responses to the uncertainty that we're all facing. Recently, I've also ruminated on the ways content can play a role in facilitating productivity in a time that will inevitably call for slowing down in nearly every aspect of our lives.

In one of my earlier columns, I outlined a few key pillars that our initial podcast interviewees attribute to the slow content movement. But as I look at the below touchpoints again (and in the context of present-day challenges), I find myself thinking about how we can take these one step further:

Slow content provides value and purpose.

Slow, thoughtful content has a clear intention. Whether it is to inspire or educate, creating content in this climate forces us to think about how we can provide value beyond our immediate business goals. Ask yourself: Can I provide value to my community by sharing a founder anecdote or reposting a fun image that evokes laughter? Even in a professional context, times of uncertainty offer the opportunity to create value for our customers in new (and necessary) ways.

Slow content considers data and fact-checking.

Content can be an incredible tool to drive conversations forward. Still, the spread of misinformation can also make it difficult to discern the difference between what is fabricated and what is real. During times where there is an uptick in sharing information, creators and businesses can engage with their community by using content to call attention to credible institutions and outlets. 

Slowing down our relationship to content makes us nicer, more well-rounded people.

In a rapidly-changing news cycle and digital sharing landscape, slowing down our relationship with content can create more mental runway to think about the things that add value to our lives (beyond our devices). In the case of a global pandemic, finding a balance between staying aware and engaged while establishing healthy digital consumption habits will be essential in how we relate to one another through this trying time. 

With so much hanging in the balance, our professional endeavors are certainly no exception. Many people in my own network have begun to think about how content and storytelling will play a role in their brands over the next few months. Below, I'm sharing a few things to consider as we recalibrate our routines and work through the challenges that are becoming increasingly present in our digital age.

Re-evaluate your communications strategy.

When there's an increase in online communication, content creators and business owners have the opportunity to streamline—and in some cases, reevaluate—their content, PR, and brand messaging so that the message they wish to convey is consistent across all communications channels. Use this time to think about what your brand wants to say, how you want it to come across, and how it can stay in-line with your usual voice and tone to avoid sounding inauthentic to your followers or customers.

Create content that inspires social/philanthropic participation.

We've never had more tools at our disposal to create content that inspires action.

However, it's essential to consider how to do this in a way that encourages inclusivity. From sharing charity donation stickers on Instagram Stories to creating bespoke content that ties in more personal brand narratives, creating content that can diversify how your community can get involved can elicit a powerful response. Thinking holistically about content in this way will also create more avenues for charitable goals to be reached, too.

Pause the post.

One of my interviewees said it best: "There is power in the pause." As we become more inundated with content from all directions, we have another option at our fingertips: to pause and step away. As consumers of content, we often forget to be discerning in what we choose to engage in a landscape that demands so much of our time and attention. Communicating what you want (and don't want!) from your favorite brands can be valuable feedback for business leaders to make informed decisions about their future storytelling and brand strategies. At the other end of the spectrum, if you're a content creator and unsure about how to proceed with your current storytelling efforts, use this period to take a step back and reflect. Your followers will thank you for it in the long run.

The points I've laid out in this article only scratch the surface of what we can be doing online. In any case, I hope this piece provides a jumping-off point for you to make thoughtful decisions about the kinds of stories you or your brand wants to tell in the near future. For more insights and musings on creating slow content and stories with longevity, I invite you to check out the ”Slow Stories” podcast (stay tuned for new episodes launching this spring) along with articles from my column here. And, most importantly, I wish you all health and happiness in this tumultuous time.

About the Author: Rachel Schwartzmann is the founder and CEO of The Style Line LLC. She created The Style Line in late January 2011 via Tumblr and has fostered The Style Line’s brand in its growth since then. Rachel has been featured in esteemed sources including Forbes, Refinery29, and MyDomaine and has also spoken at Create & Cultivate and Columbia University on establishing a unique brand point of view and entrepreneurship. On October 1, 2015, Rachel took The Style Line in a new direction as a boutique content company with the introduction of its slow content agency CONNECT(ED)ITORIAL.

You can follow Rachel at:

The Style Line: @thestyleline (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter)
CONNECT(ED)ITORIAL: @connecteditorial (Instagram)
Rachel Schwartzmann: @rachelschwartzmann (Instagram) @RMSchwartzmann (Twitter)