Can Live Chat Increase Sales for Small Businesses During COVID? — Create + Cultivate

Can Live Chat Increase Sales for Small Businesses During COVID? She's Banking on It


Although nothing can replace face-to-face interactions with customers, live chat is the next best thing during the coronavirus pandemic. And it’s certainly having an impact on small businesses. The more personal and direct form of communication live chat offers helps create deeper customer relationships that, in the long run, become stronger and more loyal, generating more revenue. Take it from small business owner Sabrina Zohar, the founder of Softwear who has seen a dramatic increase in sales conversions since she started using Messenger from Facebook to live chat with her customers in real-time.

According to the small business owner, the immediacy of Messenger has been crucial to the success of her business through COVID and, ultimately, changed the way she interacts with her customers for the better. “The ability to communicate instantly when someone is browsing on your website is like having a conversation with someone in real life, except COVID locked us up and took that fun away from us,” Zohar tells Create & Cultivate. “We have mere seconds to catch someone's attention and answer that question, which could be what closes the sale—you can't lose that opportunity.”

Here, Zohar shares how she’s using Messenger to cultivate deeper relationships with her customers amid the pandemic, why it was the right platform for her business, and how she’s keeping up with the influx of messages and DMs during COVID.

CREATE & CULTIVATE: What are some of the factors you considered when choosing the best platform to communicate with your customers, and why was Messenger the right fit for your business?

SABRINA ZOHAR: Accessibility, ease, and immediacy of the platform. It's 2020—everyone we know and their mothers (literally) have Facebook. Instead of making my client acclimate to a new way of doing things, I am meeting them where they are with something they are familiar with and comfortable using. Facebook pops up instantly on my phone and within seconds I’m having a full conversation with someone.

Have you seen a positive impact on your business as a result of using Messenger?

10,000%, yes. During COVID, I was tie-dyeing for 12 hours a day, packing orders, moving the factory into my apartment, and planning for a future collection with the hopes this would all work out. Having Messenger allowed me to chat with clients all over the world who had questions or wanted help ordering. It allowed me to create a relationship with my customers and a dialogue I think so many of us have missed. 

What are some of the most common customer questions you receive through Messenger and how has your ability to answer them quickly boosted your business?

Sizing is probably the most popular question, but during COVID, I got lots of questions about the custom tie-dye! Softwear products can be specific with fit and sizing, so being able to give a quick answer and help the client understand, leads to their satisfaction and, ultimately, a sale on my end. The questions evolve as the seasons pass, but the ability to answer instantly allows the boost in business to continue. 

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Have you experienced customers asking questions via Messenger leading to sales? If so, what percentage of engagements would you say are converting?

Absolutely! I have seen almost 65% of the clients I speak to on Messenger become customers. The best part? We also become friends! I’m able to chat with them anytime and we develop a rapport, I love it. 

What advice can you share on how to keep up with the influx of messages and DMs during this period? 

Get it done. If you have an influx of messages and DMs, that means you’re doing something right, that's something you should be stoked about! The more eyeballs on your website, product, social the more sales and growth you’ll see. I answer instantly because I know a sense of urgency ultimately yields the best results. 

Are there any Messenger tools or features that have helped you better manage this increased volume? What tips and tricks can you share?

I have Messenger alerts on my phone which makes it really easy and efficient to reply quickly. Having the alert allows me to be immediate in responding, which is what will ensure you’re giving the best customer service possible. 

How have you approached marketing and messaging to resonate with consumers but also sell products and keep your business alive during COVID? 

I am super transparent and honest with everyone that follows either my personal Instagram or the Softwear IG page. I believe that being authentic with your audience will resonate versus pretending to be something you’re not. I struggled over COVID and I didn’t hide that from anyone because, guess what, we all struggled. I made videos to show how I was pivoting and really let everyone into my world to help lay a brick with me on the foundation of the business. 


What advice can you share for leveraging social platforms and customer service tools like Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger to help drive e-commerce sales? What learnings can you share?

Social media will change your business if you know how to utilize it. The only way to learn is to try. We have changed and tweaked so many things about the brand as a result of social media and will continue to evolve the brand that way. Instagram is a free look book that is direct to the consumer, utilize that. Put your chat front and center so that guests learn to interact with the chat and truly utilize every aspect of what Facebook is offering.

What advice can you share for fellow small business owners on building strong customer relationships virtually?

Be real. That's it, honestly. Just be real. Being authentic and warm with your clients shows how much you care. I always say, “If you own a piece of Softwear, you have a piece of me,” and that follows through beyond just wearing our hoodie. I handwrite thank you cards for all orders. Is it sustainable in the long run? No, but right now, I’m building a brand, so I have to go above and beyond while I still can do those things. It will change your relationships since virtual is all we have right now. 

How do you ensure that your consumers feel seen and heard and what advice can you share for how small biz owners can replicate your success? 

I answer every email/DM/inquiry to ensure everyone feels like they're important because they are! There is nothing worse than reaching out to a brand just to get a generic email that goes unanswered or a customer service rep that repeats the same thing over and over after a two-hour wait on hold. This is your business, and no one knows your business like you do. Make sure you’re there for your customers and offer that knowledge. 

How is COVID driving innovation in customer communication and what are your predictions for the future of the space?

It’s no surprise that COVID has changed the way things will be for a long period of time. Things we became accustomed to are shuttering and it is paving the way for new brands to rise from the ashes. I think social media and direct chats will be the new norm and offer even more immediacy than email. Every day, we as consumers, grow more impatient and want immediacy (remember dial-up modems?) Now more than ever, and with so much competition, you have to do everything you can to stand out and offer what the bigger guys CAN'T. 

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Sentence Finishers:

In three words, customer communication is… 

Immediate, authentic, helpful.

My #1 tip for small business owners is…

Crawl before you can walk and learn to ask for help. You can't do it all alone (trust me, I should know) so don't be afraid to ask for help and understand it takes time. 

The best way to support small businesses right now is by…  

Sounds harsh, but try to not ask for a discount. Ultimately, every dollar spent keeps the brand going and it’s all appreciated. 

A fellow small business owner I admire is… 

Kate Davis of Knockout NY. Kate had a dream to help women feel safe and empowered through her jewelry. She inspires me every day with her mission and perseverance.

COVID-19 has taught me… 

I am stronger than I ever thought I was.

To learn more about Messenger From Facebook, head to their Marketing with Messenger page and their Business Resource Hub.