Becca Tilley and Tanya Rad's #1 Piece of Advice for Aspiring Entrepreneurs Is Predictably Inspiring — Create + Cultivate

Create & Cultivate 100: Content Creator: Becca Tilley and Tanya Rad

It’s safe to say podcasts are here to stay. As of January 2020, there are over 700,000 active podcasts and more than 29 million podcast episodes available in more than 100 different languages across Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, and more. But despite the stiff competition, Becca Tilley and Tanya Rad’s wildly popular podcast “Scrubbing In” stands apart from the rest—in part, because it’s so much more than just a podcast.

Former “Bachelor” contest, Becca Tilley, and TV and radio personality, Tanya Rad, have not only launched an award-winning pod (they’ve won not one, but two People’s Choice Awards), but they have also built a community of like-minded women. A community that’s comprised of 20.9K followers on Instagram (not counting Tilley’s 1.1 million and Rad’s 232K), 26.4K members in a private Facebook Group, and thousands of weekly listeners (the pod boasts a 4.8-star rating on Apple Podcasts with over 5.7K ratings). Like we said, it’s so much more than just a podcast.

Ahead, the co-hosts and real-life BFFs fill us in on what it takes to succeed as an entrepreneur in today's competitive start-up environment, why you should never take "no" as an answer, and how they stand out in such a saturated space.

CREATE & CULTIVATE: What led you to turn your friendship into a podcast? How did you come up with the concept and the name?

BECCA TILLEY: Funny enough, originally, it was just me on the podcast and I would interview guests who came on the show. I love “Grey’s Anatomy” and wanted to have a name that was an ode to something I love and that’s how I came up with “Scrubbing In!” Tanya ended up being one of our guest hosts and there was this undeniable chemistry, and I knew instantly she had to be a permanent co-host with me!

TANYA RAD: The podcast was actually Becca’s at first. She’d been doing it for a few weeks and I just happened to sub in one week as a guest host. It was then and there that Becca said, “I want to do this with you!!” It just clicked and felt special... and from there it was born. This podcast, and this friendship, have felt like something very special and significant—which just proves you can’t stop something that’s meant to be.

Have you been surprised by how rapidly the podcast has grown? What do you attribute its success to?

BECCA: I have definitely been surprised, but only because I started it as just another fun project to focus on and work on. Bringing in Tanya made me realize we have something special, and then, as we watched our Facebook group grow and I saw the support and community we were building, I realized this would be bigger than I could have imagined!

TANYA: Never in a million years did I think we’d be nominated for a People’s Choice Award, let alone win it two years in a row. I think our Scrub Sisters are a group of positive, empowered, encouraging women, and they’ve really created a community that reflects that. I’m just grateful that Becca and I get to be the medium that brings them all together. It’s so special.

You have to know that not everyone will see your vision—that’s why it’s your vision—but don’t let that discourage you, let it fuel you!”—Tanya Rad

This is your first time working together and creating a podcast—what are some of the biggest lessons you’ve learned along the way? What have they taught you?

BECCA: I think we have both have learned that we have to speak up for ourselves and speak up for each other. We are also complete opposites, so making sure we communicate in a way that makes the other feel understood has been an important learning lesson!

TANYA: I think, at the end of the day, I’ve learned there are a lot of things that are out of your control. But, the thing that Becca and I can control is our authenticity to the show. No matter what you’re getting, you’re getting all of us. You can’t control everything in life, but you can control your attitude, so when things get us down, we just brush it off and keep moving forward—cuz that’s what we do.

When you hit a bump or hurdle in your career, how do you #FindNewRoads + switch gears to find success?

BECCA: I imagine that happens in any career. You have a moment where you go, “Okay, this is fine, but how do we make it better? How do we make it the best?” And we will normally go get lunch or dinner and talk about ideas to about things that aren’t working. We also have amazing listeners who let us know when they love something we’re doing and also when they don’t like something we’re doing, which gives us something to think about and make decisions based on.

TANYA: Oh, I’ve experienced some bumps, hurdles, and boulders in my career. To me, not having an easy path has made me realize how much I want it and appreciate it. It’s not about the destination, it's always about the journey, so usually, if a door closes, it’s because there’s another one that’s meant for you!

Thanks to social media, we live in a filtered version of reality most days, so let's pull back the veil for a second—can you recall a specific time you failed and how you turned that around into an opportunity?

TANYA: I literally fail on a daily basis, lol. I pronounce words wrong, I say sayings wrong, I make mistakes constantly on the air. The good thing is, we all get a good laugh out of it, and now I just own them. 

What is the #1 piece of advice you'd like women to know when starting out or building a business? Why?

BECCA: It takes time. And it takes hard work. And when you’re not putting in the work, you’re not going to move forward. I’ve always been someone who has waited for opportunities to come to me because I was scared of rejection, but I looked around and realized everyone who was reaching their goal was going after it and working on it every single day. And just because someone might tell you “no,” it doesn’t mean it’s the end. I always thought “no” meant I should stop, but now I see it as telling me to work harder.

TANYA: You will constantly be questioning things. I used to analyze and over-analyze our data and downloads trying to figure out why some episodes did better than others. Do they not like it when I talk about X? Or do they actually like it when we talk about X? At the end of the day, if you stick to what feels authentic to you, you’ll never feel bad about that!

What traits do you need to succeed as an entrepreneur or founder in today's competitive start-up environment? Why?

BECCA: My word for this year is “audacious,” and I believe you have to be audacious and determined to succeed in ANY environment. I don’t think it’s limited to one category. It also helps to know what you are trying to do is for passion and not for ego. Do you believe in what you’re building? That’s a good question to ask yourself!

TANYA: Thick skin. I definitely don’t have it. But I can definitely say that I had skin as thin as paper when I started out in this industry, and now it’s more like a poster board! So I’m getting there!!!!

Not only do you both have large followings yourselves, but you’ve also developed a community of fans who support “Scrubbing In.” What is it about your content that has allowed this close-knit community to develop? What have you learned from them? How do they inspire the topics you cover on the podcast? Why?

BECCA: I honestly believe there’s a relatability in what we talk about on the podcast. Tanya has this amazing vulnerability when it comes to talking about her dating life—that is so rare. Like you said earlier, there’s a filter on everything! Tanya has taken the filter off and opened up her life to allow our listeners to connect with her, and I honestly admire it so much! Our listeners are next level. They not only support us, and the podcast, but they also support each other. The Facebook group is filled with advice and encouragement, and it’s something both of us are so proud of because we need more of that in the world.

TANYA: I think, at the end of the day, everyone wants 1) friendship, 2) to feel less alone, and 3) community. I think both Becca and I are unapologetically ourselves, like it or not. I also think the fact that we are so opposite on so many things means that a large range of women that can relate to us. I don’t even think our Scrub Sisters know how big of an impact they’ve had on me. I think, for many years, I’ve always questioned things I’ve said and done because I’ve never felt like I’m “coo,” as lame as that sounds. These women have made me feel the opposite. They always come with their arms wrapped around and say, “Girl, I’ve been there too.”

Just because someone might tell you ‘no,’ it doesn’t mean it’s the end.—Becca Tilley

How do you plan out your content for the podcast? What topics resonate most with your audience? Do you follow what's working and what the data is telling you, or do you go with your gut? Why?

BECCA: We focus so much on our daily lives and activities, so, because we record weekly, we always have something to talk about. We do pay attention to which episodes are the most successful and get the biggest response. If there’s something relevant in pop culture, we talk about it. If we have something going on in our lives, we talk about it. I think it’s a good mix of both of our personalities; Tanya likes routine and structure and I like just going with it, and I think the podcast brings both elements!

TANYA: Every week, we kinda just come in and talk about our lives. I feel like I’m always trying some new type of self-help something, so I’ve always got things to talk about in that department. And then, of course, there’s my dating life—because, at the end of the day, I think the majority of our listeners have a desire in their hearts for love and marriage.

With success comes opportunity, but it also means that you have your hands full. What keeps you inspired and motivated to keep going even on your most challenging days? What inspires you to keep creating content?

BECCA: I love Tanya. I love talking to Tanya and hearing about her life, so it honestly doesn’t feel like work when we do the podcast. When I’m having a hard day or not feeling it, I’ll normally say it on the podcast because it feels safe to do so. We all have bad days. We all have days where we feel uninspired or feel that we aren’t good at what we do. If I’m having an off day, I’ll normally order some food and watch a movie or TV show and reset for the next day.

TANYA: I can get very overwhelmed, very easily. Becca always helps calm me down, and it is so nice to have a friend like that. Also, I put every single thing on my calendar. I schedule my workouts, my meetings, any phone calls I need to make, errands I need to run, people I need to text. If it’s in my calendar I’ll get it done. If not, I’ll forget.

A lot of popular podcasts have expanded their reach beyond audio to books and even tours. Can we plan on buying tickets for a live show in the near future? What is your 2020 vision for “Scrubbing In?”

BECCA: We have two live shows coming up! In February, in Los Angeles and San Francisco!!! We are so excited to bring “Scrubbing In” to a tour format and to meet so many of our listeners! I would love to expand beyond these two shows and feel so much excitement about a tour!

TANYA: Heck yes!! We have two dates right now in San Francisco and L.A., and hopefully, soon we’ll do more!

You have to know that not everyone will see your vision—that’s why it’s your vision—but don’t let that discourage you, let it fuel you!—Tanya Rad

You’ve proven that it’s possible to be wildly successful in multiple ventures, what advice would you give to women who feel they’ve been “put in a box” in terms of their career path? How do you change people’s perceptions and expand your career options?

BECCA: I know that box. I normally put myself in the box, haha. I’ve been so inspired by some of our listeners who have decided to turn their hobby into a business and have had success because they just went for it. It’s a big commitment to step out of the safety box and try something new—you might fail, it might be way more work than you anticipated, but if you can find the passion and drive and create something for yourself, the fear is so worth it. I remember starting the podcast and thinking, “Who is even going to listen to this? Am I relevant anymore? Does anyone care what I’m doing?” And as soon as I got out of that mindset and decided to do it for me, that’s when I found the rhythm and found Tanya!

TANYA: Don’t ever take no as an answer. I’ve been told that I can’t do both radio and TV and that I have to pick.... I’m currently doing radio, TV, and a podcast. You have to know that not everyone will see your vision—that’s why it’s your vision—but don’t let that discourage you, let it fuel you!! I have no plans on stopping, actually quite the opposite. I plan on taking everything to the next level in 2020 and showing the people that didn’t think it could be done that if you can dream it, you can do it! (My fave Walt Disney quote).

What are some of the biggest misconceptions about your job? What do you wish more people knew? Why?

BECCA: It’s REALLY fun and exciting, but also very competitive and difficult at times. Trying to reinvent yourself and stay fresh and relevant is a lot to take on, so you really have to focus on staying in your lane and just working hard. People see the highs on Instagram and they don’t see everything in between!

If you could go back to the start of your career, what advice would you give yourself and why?

BECCA:I would tell myself that the impact you’re going to have on people has nothing to do with how you look or what your body looks like. When people have told me I’ve helped them or impacted them in some way, it’s always had something to do with kindness or vulnerability or saying something funny. So focus more on how you treat people and how you make them feel because that’s what people remember.

TANYA: I got the perfect advice a month into my career and it was from Chelsea Handler. She told me, “There’s room for everyone, don’t be competitive.” And that has stuck with me every step of the way. If a woman gets a gig over me or someone is doing a job I want, I root them on because a win for her is a win for us. I think it’s easy to get competitive in this industry, but I think I’ve seen firsthand that what is meant for me will always find its way. There’s so much peace and power in that.

What is the #1 book you always recommend? Why?

BECCA: How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. It’s basically a book teaching you how to be kind to people and how to treat people you meet for the first time. I always go back and read certain parts because it’s always so eye-opening and being kind to people is never going to go out of style!

TANYA: Well, I just finished Calling in “The One” and I am obsessed with it!! It helped me learn so much about myself, my dating patterns, and helped me patch up some old wounds. Feel like 2020 is my year to CALL IN THE ONE baby! Also, The Hollywood Commandments by Devon Franklin is soooooo gooood!!!

Photography: Courtesy of E! News