Create & Cultivate 100: Music: Lauren Ruth Ward — Create + Cultivate

Create & Cultivate 100: Music: Lauren Ruth Ward


Baltimore-born barber-turned-badass-bluesy songstress, Lauren Ruth Ward is not your honey...she can make love to herself.

With her guttural rasp and unruly edge, the emergent singer-songwriter has drawn comparisons to legendary industry outsider Janis Joplin. “I’m a grower, question asker, an empathetic rebel,” says Ward, who left a comfortable living as a colorist and hairdresser to pursue the call of the wild child. With a forthcoming debut album and a weekly residency in Los Angeles, Ward is taking on the notoriously misogynist music scene with her brazen brand of alt-country.  Check her out at the Echo on Jan. 22 and Jan. 29 at 8:30 p.m.

And read more below. 

Name: Lauren Ruth Ward


You've said that "within reason" you were always allowed to be who you wanted to be. So, who are you? What are you all about?

"Within reason" meaning my mother wouldn't let me leave the house naked - she supported me through my outlandish phases. When others would try to change me, My mother supported my self-expression. I'm a grower, question asker, an empathetic rebel.

Do you recall a moment where you really came into your power as a woman?

Every time I cross something off my to-do list I come into power as a human (woman).

Where do your drive and passion come from?

From my experiences.

When you run into a career obstacle, what drives you forward?

Knowing I am doing what I should be doing makes me want to do more.

What is your biggest pet peeve?

Chewing with your mouth open.

What are your thoughts on the music industry and being a woman in a male-dominated field?

My approach, when I come in contact with the ones who are either subconsciously or consciously misogynistic, kill them with kindness and talent. That always makes them think.


What's something you'd like people to know about your job that they probably don’t?

I've been a barber and a colorist for nine years. I did updos for weddings for five years. I really miss my brides!

IYO-- How can we stay original when we are so saturated with other people's work?

I don't look at others work as competition. I look around to stay connected to my community and to connect with them on a human level.

What about your career makes you feel the most complete?

I'm doing exactly what I need to be doing.

"I'm doing exactly what I need to be doing."

Tweet this.

If you had to trade jobs with anyone else in the world, who would it be and why?

No one, skipping steps makes me nervous.

What's the best advice you've ever been given? Or your favorite piece of #realtalk?

"there's enough to go around for everyone " - Kimi Recor

What song do you sing in the shower when you’ve had a bad day?

Anything Frank Sinatra.

Photo Credit: @davisfactor

Hair & Makeup: @SmashboxCosmetics @TheGlamApp @TheOuai