In this age of information, we have everything we need to start a new business, create a website, or set up a budget right at our fingertips—Google is a powerful tool. But sometimes you need a deep dive into the topic to truly understand the scope of what’s required from every angle—that’s when we turn to books. In our new series, Turning a Page, we ask successful people to share their go-to tomes that helped transform their business. Whether you listen to them or need to physically flip the pages (and write notes or underline the text like us!), there is so much power in self-educating. Ready to turn a page in your career? These books will help take you there.
If there’s one piece of advice we hear over and over again from entrepreneurs, founders, and CEOs, it’s to never stop learning. It’s important to stretch ourselves a little every day both in life and at work so we can grow, gain confidence, reach our goals, and become the most positive influence in our own lives.
That’s where self-help books come in. Many of us reach for these popular tomes to expand our minds, enhance our knowledge, and maximize our potential. So, we asked 23 founders to share the best self-help books they read that not only changed their lives but their businesses too.
And remember, personal development is a lifelong process so take your time, put in the work, and be gentle with yourself.
Arissa Agnant, Founder, CEO, Melanin in the Kitchen
Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself
by Dr. Joe Dispenza
Why You Read It
As I was starting my journey into entrepreneurship, I felt so weighed down by past negative experiences, self-sabotage, low self-confidence, imposter syndrome, and more beliefs that shaped my reality. I wanted a book on how to transform my mental state to have more control and a deeper spiritual experience. Dr. Joe Dispenza’s book provided me a new light to spirituality, by bringing a neurological and scientific perspective to how I created my reality through my beliefs.
How It Changed Your Life/Business
Present-day Arissa knows that about 80% of entrepreneurship is a mental game. I learned that self-confidence, self-esteem, and other beliefs about ourselves are created in childhood and carried over into adulthood. Learning my old belief systems and patterns was the first step in discarding the parts of myself I didn’t want to be anymore, so I could create new versions of myself from a more powerful mental state.
Advice From the Book You’ve Implemented in Life/Business
I am constantly breaking the habit of being myself! Just as the world is currently ripping up the deepest, darkest parts of its antiquated systems for a deep cleanse, I’m always doing the same with my past. I’m looking at and discarding all the habits and personality characteristics of past versions of self I don’t resonate with anymore because they were built on old cycles of belief systems.
Why You’d Recommend This Book to Others
Building a business exposes the deep, hidden parts of your personality and your past. What if we made a routine habit of creating new personalities and versions of ourselves so we didn’t feel stuck in a bleak past? So we could create new stories about ourselves and build businesses from that new growth mindset?
Why You Read It
This was the first book I read out of college when I knew I wanted to be an entrepreneur. James Altucher details how owning your own business is the way towards ultimate freedom because jobs are never truly safe at any corporation with the rise of inflation, automation, outsourcing, and other prominent trends.
How It Changed Your Life/Business
I have been working my way through corporate with the underlying belief that I not only wanted to run my own business, but I also HAD to for the sake of having true freedom and stability. With this mindset, I chose my roles based on knowledge, learning, and growth potential, rather than just the ability to work my way up the ladder for money.
Advice From the Book You’ve Implemented in Life/Business
My favorite piece from this book is James’ philosophy that ideas have sex just like people do, and they have children. He encourages readers to become an idea machine and build their idea muscle by writing down all of their random ideas all day long, no matter how dumb they may seem. To be a successful idea machine is to marry totally separate ideas together that have never been mated before to create unique magic.
Why You’d Recommend This Book to Others
James stresses the importance of learning to anticipate and identify trends to stay at the forefront of industries, which is a huge part of my role as both a digital marketer and business owner. I loved that he himself had worked his way in and out of large corporate businesses and realized he wasn’t fulfilled. He shares plenty of practical advice on how to hack your life for business success, like how to set life ‘themes’ instead of goals and incorporating your personal interests into your business.
Shevon Jones, Speaker, Social Worker, and Founder, Mental Wellness Collective
More Than Enough
by Elaine Welteroth
Why You Read It
I absolutely love Elaine and was fascinated by her life, success, and work ethic. The way she transformed Teen Vogue was a sight to see so I just knew I needed to hear about that journey. And also the more I saw her on Instagram the more I wanted to know what her journey looked like and how she got to where she is today.
How It Changed Your Life/Business
I recommend More than Enough to everyone but especially women in their 20s. Her work ethic and determination made me truly see where I was lacking. I have always been determined but seeing a Black woman my age navigate in an industry that didn’t fully accept her, and she pushed through it all. I couldn’t put the book down because I really was that invested. However, it also showed me that work is not everything and that if you aren’t careful life will pass you by. Too often I get caught up in wanting to be successful that it’s okay to pause and enjoy life—the book taught me that through her journey.
Advice From the Book You’ve Implemented in Life/Business
One of my favorite quotes from the book is, “when the world tells you to shrink expand”. No longer am I dimming my light to make others feel comfortable. This quote sticks with me as a reminder that it’s okay to take up space in this world and to show people everything you have to offer. It is okay to have ideas, opinions, and to shine so brightly. I have taken those words to heart making sure that I am doing my part but also visibly doing it so others know they can do it too. Another key nugget from the book is to always ask for what you’re worth no matter what. Have confidence in your skills and ability and know that you are valuable no matter what limitations are placed on you.
Why You’d Recommend This Book to Others
I would recommend this More than Enough because it’s filled with quotes that can easily be a mantra when you are feeling inadequate. The book highlights the journey with its ups and downs and the ability to overcome. It shows that with a plan you can do anything, but also the importance of relationships. This book really transformed how I viewed the grind and energized me. Sometimes when you’re working 9-5 and building your business success seems so out of reach. However, Elaine showed the importance of every skill, every moment, and every relationship preparing you so you’ll know when it’s your time to exit.
Jasmine Imani, Founder, Jas Imani Beauty
When Things Fall Apart
by Pema Chödrön
Why You Read It
We are in is a global shift. It feels as if everything is falling apart in some way. Might be your business, your plans, your relationships, the structure in which you built your business on or things you have always depended on. Regardless, things are always falling apart so we must be comfortable with the dying of things as much as we are comfortable with the birth of things. If you have a business you are a creator so we must respect the full cycle of creation.
How It Changed Your Life/Business
This book is making me face the fear and even more so sit with the discomfort and have a conversation with it. To stop running from what it is but to invite it in so I can properly show it out when it does not serve me. It gives me more ease for day-to-day business. I feel less panicked about the unknown for our future.
Advice From the Book You’ve Implemented in Life/Business
I look at its teachings as a practice. It is not like my other books that kind of hit the surface of our patterns. This book lets you rework your foundations. I got very uncomfortable processing a few chapters.
In chapter seven, it states "hope and fear come from a feeling of lack." I have been mentally meditating on this for months! It breaks down that we can't have hope without fear. By holding on to hope we are robbing ourselves from the present moment. So I have started practicing being more present. I, of course, thought that I was, but I honestly feel like I’m just getting to the surface of being present in my business.
Why You’d Recommend This Book to Others
When in business, you face constant disappointment. If you can hone in on the disappointments and accept the discomfort I believe you can get to a place that even when it feels horrible you can enjoy and respect the things you create out of that suffering. I think there's a little bit of madness always working towards the goals of happiness, constantly chasing what you hope for.
That target is forever moving. I want to work more towards completion and load up for the ride knowing I have some tools for everything that will come. At this point, we should all be creating towards change in our business models. Becoming highly aware of how our businesses serve not just us but our communities, with that there must be a discovery of self first. This is going to be really uncomfortable but I hope we move in a way that we are not confused.
Alison Cayne, Founder, Haven’s Kitchen
Why You Read It
I first read the book when I got divorced. I've reread it 100 times since and applied it to my professional life as much as my personal life.
How It Changed Your Life/Business
Simply knowing that there will be downs as well as ups, that there will be problems and missteps and forces beyond our control that will terrify us has helped. I don't react as much out of fear or surprise. I am more proactive and thoughtful in my responses. I'm more disciplined in my planning. All-knowing that there will still be awful days and that is just the nature of things.
Advice From the Book You’ve Implemented in Life/Business
I've used the book to create some pretty basic tenets:
1. Failure is inevitable every once in a while so don't let it derail you, let it teach you how to be more prepared the next time. When things don't go our way that's the opportunity to think smart and get creative.
2. Figure out what you don't know and acknowledge it. Then find people who can help you build. Engage them. Reverse engineer.
3. Being "mindful" means clear thinking. Not reactive, not jumpy.
4. Create a culture that anticipates mistakes. Ask your team for feedback and create a culture of attention to pain spots rather than pretending they don't exist or hiding where they've gone wrong.
Why You’d Recommend This Book to Others
The personal and the professional have become completely intertwined and as a leader, your ability to lead your team, build strategies, address unknowns are ALL connected to your personal development. You cannot be disciplined, clear-thinking, communicative, and empathic in business if you aren't those things in life.
Victoria Fazio, Founder, Propa Beauty
The Power of Now
by Eckhart Tolle
Why You Read It
I read The Power of Now at a moment of my life when I felt absolute suffocation from over-thinking and struggling to let go of some personal failures that I was going through about a few years ago. I didn't buy this book, but the book has been in my house all along and I never reached for it. I must have received it as a gift or something. Nonetheless, I am so glad I stumbled upon it.
One day as I was scrolling endlessly on my phone searching for something to occupy my over-thinking mind, I switched it off and place my phone down and reached for a book. I picked up The Power of Now among other books on my bookshelf and I read it back to back within a week. And it has been my most favorite book since, for self-love and meditation in my personal and business mind space.
How It Changed Your Life/Business
This book has given me the tools of thinking, or as I call it 'mind management skills'. It has helped me tremendously in my interactions and communications with the people I work with every day in building Propa Beauty. It's so vital to take a breath and take note of one's thoughts, emotions, words, and judgments and this book does a great in-depth dig into the knowledge of how to dissect core emotions and the state of mind during stressful events in the everyday running of a business.
Advice From the Book You’ve Implemented in Life/Business
This book has taught me to pause, lean in, and take time to listen to the storms or the joy within. I’m a chronic over-thinker, and so, The Power of Now has helped me in working on identifying personal fears and self-doubt. Preserving mental energy, I am coming to harness the power in paying attention to the vital stuff.
Why You’d Recommend This Book to Others
Your mental health is the core of your business. Managing and understanding your mind affects your attitude towards everything you create and everyone you interact with. I would recommend this book, read it or opt for an audio version, once a month during those self-love self-care days. Absolutely worth the peace of mind!
Randi B., Diversity & Inclusion Strategist, Author, Speaker, and Trainer
by Michelle Obama
Why You Read It
I read Becoming simply because Michelle Obama wrote it. I read it because I was intrigued; I read it the second time because I was inspired; I read it the third time because I was invigorated.
How It Changed Your Life/Business
When Becoming was released, I was in the process of redefining and rebranding my business. I wanted to disrupt the standard way diversity and inclusivity were handled in organizations, but I was terrified. I questioned if I was too old; if the old practices were too entrenched; and if people’s natural resistance to change would cause me to lose clients and lose me to lose my business. Becoming helped me to understand that we are and should be continually evolving. I didn’t need to avoid change; to the contrary, I needed to grasp it and run with it. I needed to make the changes to my business.
Advice From the Book You’ve Implemented in Life/Business
“There’s power in allowing yourself to be known and heard, in owning your unique story, in using your authentic voice.” — Michelle Obama.
I managed diversity and inclusivity programs the way I had been educated to manage them. I mirrored every program that I had studied in school and witnessed in business. When I would deliver services to companies I would try to blend with the majority culture. While I was training about diversity; I avoided giving attention to my own difference. I omitted sharing any information that would highlight my Blackness, my womanness –my otherness. The vital piece
Why You’d Recommend This Book to Others
The book, Becoming, encourages you to embrace your whole, authentic self; and to unapologetically bring your whole self into every area of your life including your business. Regardless of the business you’re in, you are the center of it; you are the differentiator; you are what makes your business unique and will make it ultimately successful.
Rachel Rodgers, CEO, Hello Seven
On Her Own Ground, The Life and Times of Madam C.J. Walker
by A’Telia Bundles
Why You Read It
Madam CJ Walker is the mother of women in business, the patron saint of female entrepreneurship, and America’s first female millionaire. Yes, not the first Black woman millionaire, the first woman of any background in America. Over 100 years ago, she knew that when members of marginalized and systemically oppressed communities became wealthy, they can change the world. Born in a time when Black women were seen as mere objects for white people’s gain (let’s be honest, there are many who still see us this way), she demanded that the world sees her, know her and pay her. I couldn’t not read this book after I discovered her story.
How It Changed Your Life/Business
Learning what Madam CJ Walker had to overcome in her life in order to become a millionaire eliminates all of my BS excuses. Madam approached success and wealth building with an “I’mma do whatever it takes” energy. Whether it was making friends or making enemies she was willing to risk her ego, relationships, and financial well-being. She trusted her instincts and believed in her vision. I carry her story with me in my business and my life.
Advice From the Book You’ve Implemented in Life/Business
Madame Walker left us an inspiring legacy. She taught us that being a millionaire is not just about stunting in your new whip with your girls. It’s also about empowering others, charitable giving, and being a politically active citizen. I believe Madam's commitment to practicing self-care, strong boundaries, and belief in her own vision, ideas, creativity, and intelligence were the keys to her freedom, power, and wealth. There are many parallels between Madam’s story and mine, and I bet yours, too. I have gotten brilliant (and timeless) marketing ideas from reading this book, too.
Why You’d Recommend This Book to Others
If you think building a business is hard now, honey—you have no idea. Madam CJ Walker built her business at a time when slavery had just been eradicated—she was born to slaves. Women of color have a legacy in Madam CJ Walker of making money and being successful entrepreneurs. We need to start with that when thinking about women making money, her life has so much to teach us.
Myrna P. Daramy, Founder of Myrna & Co.
Captivate: The Science of Succeeding with People
by Vanessa Van Edwards
Why You Read It
When I first realized that I would be incorporating educating and public speaking in my business, I started looking for books that help with connection. I’ve always been a very outgoing, and social person, but I wanted to hone in on how to build trust and engage faster and more effectively. I also have always had a fascination with human behavior so when I found this book that was science-backed and had to read it.
How It Changed Your Life/Business
This book changed the way I initiated any conversation, entered into a room, and even helped me with pitches and sales. It changed the way that I communicated and interacted with everyone.
Advice From the Book You’ve Implemented in Life/Business
I make sure that before any speaking engagement, I add conversational sparks to create dopamine moments in order to warm up the audience. I make sure that I’m authentic first regardless of how nervous I might be. It allows me to be silly and maybe a little awkward which alleviates the nerves. I also always refer to actual people if I can during any public speaking engagement. The author also goes over how to hack the art of listening and establishing a true two-way interaction which is such a needed skill when it comes to leading.
Why You’d Recommend This Book to Others
Although this book is geared more towards business owners who want to up-level their pubic speaking game, I feel that this book assists with communication as well which impacts people’s entire lives.
Bianca Rush, Digital Strategist, More Than Social
See You at the Top: 25th Anniversary Edition
by Zig Ziglar
Why You Read It
This book is a classic! It not only focuses on how to achieve and sustain success in business, but also how to improve your self-image, relationships, goals, attitude, work ethic, and desires.
How It Changed Your Life/Business
It's changed my perspective on how I approach building community and how to achieve personal success. When you have a healthy self-image and place importance on operating with honesty, integrity, faith, compassion, and loyalty, personal success in life and business will happen.
Advice From the Book You’ve Implemented in Life/Business
I've implemented the mindset piece when it comes to vision and visualizing what has not yet happened. Zig Zigler emphasizes forward-thinking and the way that you personally view life (or your business) will determine what you get out of it. He provides a lot of prompts that challenge you and make you want to take action in your business, life, and relationships!
Why You’d Recommend This Book to Others
I absolutely would recommend this book to business owners and anyone who is seeking a book on mindset, vision, and success. This book is a wealth of information that is specific, yet also general in nature, to the point that you will close this book and feel something. That feeling will have you operating in success to achieve exactly what you want. There are so many key takeaways from this book that apply in many phases of life and business, it's definitely worth the read!
Rima Minasyan, Co-founder, Patrick Ta Beauty
Why You Read It
I love reading self-improvement books, especially business-related ones. This book was a great read about building your path to success while creating a self-image of how you view yourself and how you help others perceive themselves. Helping others, and improving relationships, whether personal or business, is crucial to a successful journey.
How It Changed Your Life/Business
This book talked a lot about avoiding “stinkin thinkin” and taking on a positive attitude. Most times, even when you’re on the right path to reaching your goals, life will bring unexpected obstacles your way.
Advice From the Book You’ve Implemented in Life/Business
This year was a significant obstacle for most business owners. While we can’t stop these things from happening, we can control our response to them. We had a launch planned right amid all the COVID madness this year, and keeping a positive mentality was a great step to a successful launch. Just by checking in with the language, I chose to use it with my team, which brought much excitement and great, positive energy, which helped us drive a fantastic launch with our Major Brows collection.
Why You’d Recommend This Book to Others
We all get lost in our day-to-day responsibilities and don’t realize that self-image is a great part of who we are and how others perceive us. Building yourself image isn’t only about taking better care of yourself but also about taking care of others. Taking the time to help your loved ones, or your work family creates an immediate sense of satisfaction and gratitude. This book is a great read not only for business owners but for anyone who needs a reminder that being a good person is always the right way up.
Ilana Kugel, Founder and Creative Director, Koral
Atomic Habits, An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones
by James Clear
Why You Read It
I read this book because I was listening to Rich Roll’s podcast and he was interviewing the author. I naturally became intrigued by the book title and hearing the author speak. I always set new goals for myself and this book came about at the perfect time for me.
How It Changed Your Life/Business
It helped remind me that making certain things in my life a habit is so important. I believe creating the habits we are missing in our lives, gives us more discipline. I am always challenging myself to improve parts of my life and this book was a great motivator.
Advice From the Book You’ve Implemented in Life/Business
I had a list of habits that I wanted to add to my daily life and this book motivated me to actually make them happen. So often we have lists of things we want to accomplish and we let that list keep growing, but reading this book encouraged me to start the process and make these things on my list habits for myself. One of the biggest takeaways was to simplify the process in our own heads and then these actions become like second nature to us.
Why You’d Recommend This Book to Others
I would recommend this book to other people and business owners because it truly did inspire me to start making good habits and break myself out of bad ones. He helps you with practical strategies and to show you that tiny changes can lead to big results.
Sharona Harris, Founder and Creative Director, F+H Jewellery
Why You Read It
I purchased this book because I’ve always found it really easy to implement new habits, such as exercise or work routines. But find it much harder to quit bad ones, so I was looking for an understanding of how we form our habits
How It Changed Your Life/Business
Atomic Habits has changed my life because it simplifies how our brains lock into the habit reward system. Now that I understand the process and how our daily environment and planning impacts our habit-making, it is so much easier to change my behaviors.
Advice From the Book You’ve Implemented in Life/Business
The best advice I have implemented has been ‘the 2-minute rule’ to stop procrastination. It simply encourages you to not spend over 2 minutes when trying to form a new habit, so that it is as easy as possible. Commit to 2 minutes each day and grow your habit-making from there. It’s great because once you start, such as studying or meditating, you generally do much more but you only need to commit to 2 mins a day, to begin with.
Why You’d Recommend This Book to Others
The book is great for anyone, our days are made up of heaps of tiny habits, so there is always room for improvement.
Jacquelyn De Jesu, Founder, Shhhowercap
Radical Candor
by Kim Scott
Why You Read It
It had always been referenced to me in conversation. I guess I naturally do lead that way. So, I wanted to understand where the comparison or references came from. And, if it was in fact true to my style then how to better manage the pros and cons of it to better my leadership skills.
How It Changed Your Life/Business
The perspective of how others may see me. I tend to be very direct. It helped me in managing my team which is comprised of people of all types.
Advice From the Book You’ve Implemented in Life/Business
Its good to be direct, clear, honest, and say what you mean. But, to be a good manager in this way you must be sure that you are caring deeply. Care about their goals, motivations, interpersonal dynamics, and about the individuals on your team as people. And, make sure they know you do.
Why You’d Recommend This Book to Others
If it’s not your natural style, its encouraging to be more confident and honest in your communication. If it is your natural style, you need to learn the nuances of how to do it effectively. The book helps you see the other side.
Angie Lee, Co-Founder, Soul CBD
The Worry Trick: How Your Brain Tricks You into Expecting the Worst and What You Can Do About It
David A. Carbonell, PhD
Why You Read It
A few years ago I was experiencing chronic anxiety and panic attacks as a busy entrepreneur. My anxiety was debilitating and I knew something needed to change. Passionate to heal naturally, I turned to CBD, meditation & reprogramming my thoughts. This book opened my eyes to healing my brain & taking ownership of my thoughts.
How It Changed Your Life/Business
This book helped me to not run away from or fear my anxiety. The author explains how anxiety hijacks the brain and teaches you how to break the cycle of worry. Being in the present moment has always been a challenge for me & this book taught me practical exercises to immediately calm my brain. It was eye-opening to learn that the more we resist or try to fix our anxiety, the worse it gets.
Advice From the Book You’ve Implemented in Life/Business
The present moment is all we have. Stressing about the future or what “may” happen is a complete waste of time. One of the most powerful things we can do to decrease anxiety is feel the present moment. Anxiety happens when we stress about the future, so the best thing we can do is be present in our body.
Why You’d Recommend This Book to Others
I would definitely recommend The Worry Trick to any business owner who is dealing with immense stress or anxiety at work. Having a healthy relationship with fear & anxiety is crucial for entrepreneurship. I recommend this book to all my friends who are struggling with anxiety!
Sarah Larson Levey, Founder and CEO, Y7 Studios
Emotional Intelligence 2.0
by Travis Bradberry and Jean Greaves
Why You Read It
I read this book on the suggestion of a friend back in 2016 when we are at a pivotal point at Y7. We had just made the decision to hire individual studio managers for each location and made our first three corporate hires.
How It Changed Your Life/Business
It completely changed the way that I interact with people and how I am managing relationships with those that I work with and in my personal life.
Advice From the Book You’ve Implemented in Life/Business
The behavioral test that they include with the book is a game-changer in becoming more self-aware and shifting perspective on what success looks like internally. I take the test and read the book every year to make sure that I am always growing as a leader.
Why You’d Recommend This Book to Others
It changes the way that you navigate relationships and gives you actual tools to use to enhance your emotional awareness.
Nikki Huganir and Erica Blumenthal, Co-Founders, Yes Way Rosé
The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why It Matters
by Priya Parker
Why You Read It
We were discussing different types of events to support or new wine and book release and I wanted to gain the confidence to create meaningful and dynamic experiences. I got so much more out of the book than I expected what I first opened it.
How It Changed Your Life/Business
I have prioritized having a clear purpose for everything from weekly meetings to a big launch party to how I spend my weekend. This keeps me and my time focused and intentional. When I read the book I was at a point where I felt like I was doing things just because I had to and guilty if I wasn't always productive. I realized I want to get more out of my time and experiences, even my downtime, and give as much as possible when hosting. Reading this helped me to do that plus how to give it all structure.
Advice From the Book You’ve Implemented in Life/Business
Don't be a chill host! Be prepared. Consider all of the guests and their needs. Feel empowered to take charge and be the leader or boss of the gathering.
Why You’d Recommend This Book to Others
For business owners, I think this will help think of ways to get the most out of meetings and keep your team highly engaged. For people in general, it will help you consider how to plan a memorable dinner party, wedding, weekend, life.
Piret Aava, Founder, Body Roll Studio
Miracles Now: 108 Life-Changing Tools for Less Stress, More Flow, and Finding Your True Purpose
by Gabrielle Bernstein
Why You Read It
I read Bernstein's Miracles Now when I was about to make a major career change. As not only a female but an immigrant from Estonia, it was hard not to doubt myself. Miracles Now provided me with the self-help, positive techniques that I needed to propel myself forward and step out of my comfort zone. Bernstein says 'Much of our anxiety and stress comes when we’re focused on fear and disconnected from the voice of our inner guide.” She taught me to trust myself, and that trying and failing is better than not trying at all; trust that you can succeed in anything that you put your mind to.
How It Changed Your Life/Business
Gabrielle Bernstein takes an extremely realistic approach to combating stress and finding peace in each day. As an entrepreneur, it is not always easy to carve time out of my day for myself to just be in the moment. In Miracles Now, Bernstein presents 108 techniques to help face everyday struggles.. from anxiety to feeling burned out and frustrated - her coping mechanisms are meant to be done 'at the moment' and have brought a great amount of ease to my life. As a female business owner, who is in the process of opening business number two, it is easy to feel a sense of overwhelming doubt, and question whether the decisions I am making will be impactful, well-perceived, etc. Miracles Now have helped me step back and enjoy the process; I am learning to be in the moment, and face challenging situations head-on.
Advice From the Book You’ve Implemented in Life/Business
One of my favorite quotes from Miracles Now is as follows “You see, the way we experience the world around us is a direct reflection of the world within us. If our thoughts and energy are not supportive, then our life won’t be supported. Therefore, we must take responsibility by consciously supporting ourselves in every given moment.” This is a quote that I have applied to all aspects of my life.. from career risks to relationships... we must be our number one supporter. If we feed into the doubt in our minds, we are holding ourselves back from an endless world of opportunities. The unknown does not have to be scary, it can be really exciting and beautiful.
Why You’d Recommend This Book to Others
This book is a positive reminder of how good life can be. Although we are constantly facing stressful situations, it is important to step back and remember that we are in control.
Anisa Telwar-Kaicker, Founder and CEO, Anisa International and Anisa Beauty
Mindful Work: How Meditation Is Changing Business from the Inside Out
by David Gelles
Why You Read It
I was introduced to this book by someone we had brought into our offices, to coach our team on organizational leadership. They suggested this would be a good read for beginners looking to start learning about meditation— I haven’t put it down since.
How It Changed Your Life/Business
It gave me the facts behind the scientific impact meditation has on the brain. At the time, I was constantly very stressed, overwhelmed, and burnt out; I had no mental break or balance from work! But when I started reading this book, it gave me the logic as to why I needed to start meditation as a daily practice. It has been so impactful on my mental mood, health, and of course the energy I bring to my employees and attitude towards work.
Advice From the Book You’ve Implemented in Life/Business
Daily meditation! It’s something I’ve been doing daily for the past four years.
Why You’d Recommend This Book to Others
As I’ve mentioned, because of the positive, scientific impact meditation has on the brain; spending even just five minutes meditating daily can set the energy and mood for the entire day. I have been recommending this book to everyone and anyone and continue to do so— not just for fellow business owners!
Greta Fitz, Founder and CEO, Ascention Beauty Co
Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires
by Esther Hicks
Why You Read It
I hit a crossroads in my life and wanted to conquer fear.
How It Changed Your Life/Business
I learned how to follow my bliss from this book and to manifest my wildest dreams. Everything I'm living today, coaching and my brand ASCENTION manifested from the teachings in this book
Advice From the Book You’ve Implemented in Life/Business
All of it, how to conquer fear, how to manifest, the power of intention, and writing things down and the power of belief in yourself, also to trust the process.
Why You’d Recommend This Book to Others
If you're looking for your "why" or if you're too afraid to do what you love, read this book with an open mind. This book isn't for everyone and if you're open to miracles then grab it asap with a journal. My journey is living proof of it.
Belinda Frazer Smith, Founder and Creative Director, St. Rose
Light Is the New Black: A Guide to Answering Your Soul's Callings and Working Your Light
by Rebecca Campbell
Why You Read It
Like so many amazing books I've read, it was recommended to me by a friend. I opted for the audio version to be able to squeeze in chapters in the car and at the gym but it's definitely the type of book you'd highlight almost every line and want to dog-ear each page.
How It Changed Your Life/Business
Rebecca's book came into my life at the beginning of my journey. Her philosophy is "Follow what lights you up, and you'll light up the world." Starting a business from idea to launch is exhilarating but it can also be a brutal test of will. From all-nighters to cry into your bowl of cheerios mornings, there can be so many self-doubt riddled hurdles. The amount of time and energy can even almost feel selfish. Not only are you likely capable of solely talking about this one all-consuming thing with everyone but you also don't have the same time you used to spend with friends and family. What I loved about this book is that it flipped the idea of ego around for me. It shut down that voice I thought was the humble Belinda saying things like "who am I to do this?" and defined for me that is actually the ego talking. Rebecca asks instead, who are you not to do this thing you are being called to do? That nagging idea that keeps you up at night. The daydream that keeps popping into your head. Who are you to keep telling that voice, your light, your purpose, your calling ... no?
Advice From the Book You’ve Implemented in Life/Business
The idea of ego has been something that has really stuck with me. This isn't necessarily advice in the book but it's just a mantra that I have started after reading it ... as part of my morning ritual which includes meditation and smudging I always end with a little prayer to be guided with my light. Certainly in a business sense but in all realms of life. To squash fear and tune into intuition.
Why You’d Recommend This Book to Others
Forget about how hard the daily grind can be with starting or growing a business but then add on top the anxiety-provoking state of the world by turning on the news and it can feel utterly paralyzing at times. Remembering the simple lesson to follow what lights you up so you can light up the world brings back into actionable focus all the things we have the power to do, move and change ... and it's all pretty amazing.
Allison McNamara, Founder, Mara
The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers
by Ben Horrowitz
Why You Read It
I’ve been following Ben Horowitz and his impressive Silicon Valley career for quite some time, so when he released a book about his entrepreneurial learnings–including running (and failing) a startup that ultimately was valued at over $1 billion–I knew it was bound to be an epic read.
How It Changed Your Life/Business
Although Ben’s experience is written through a heavy tech / digital lens, his approach to how he built businesses from the ground up is informative and insightful no matter what field you’re in. A great, honest read that doesn’t glorify entrepreneurship but also doesn’t tell you how you should be running your business either –he simply lets you in on his experiences and punctuates each chapter with rap quotes from his favorite songs that are oddly all very applicable to each chapter.
Advice From the Book You’ve Implemented in Life/Business
This book really dives into how he handled extraordinary losses and how he kept cool and made crucial decisions in the darkest of hours. I haven’t necessarily implemented anything (so far) from the book, but he has some fascinating chapters on hiring and firing which I found to be particularly helpful.
Why You’d Recommend This Book to Others
I recommend this book to everyone. It’s a great read even if you aren’t in the pits of building your own business.
Kerrigan Behrens, Co-CEO and Co-Founder, Sagely Naturals
Pour Your Heart Into It: How Starbucks Built a Company One Cup at a Time
by Howard Schultz
Why You Read It
I read the book because I've always had a great amount of respect for Howard Schultz and recently had the opportunity to speak with him. He's incredibly supportive of young entrepreneurs!
How It Changed Your Life/Business
It's hard for most of us to imagine, but when Howard started Starbucks, the vast majority of Americans hadn't heard of a latte. Their version of coffee was essentially Folgers! One of the things the book validated for me is that you want to offer customers something they're not necessarily used to - rather, something that creates a sense of discovery and excitement. This couldn't be more relevant to Sagely Naturals - when we launched it in 2015, only 2% of Americans had heard of CBD! At that point, we considered ourselves educators as much as product innovators since we felt our mandate was to introduce more people to the health and wellness benefits of CBD.
Advice From the Book You’ve Implemented in Life/Business
One of the chapters in the book is about how "people are not a line item" and Starbucks is famous for treating its employees well. There have been times when Kaley and I couldn't afford to offer employees additional benefits but did it anyway - for example, offering health insurance may not sound like a big deal but when we began offering it to our employees, we weren't really in a financial position to be able to do so. We also have found smaller ways to show our employees how much we appreciate them while also cultivating wellness like offering massages, meditation, sound baths, and yoga in the office every month.
Why You’d Recommend This Book to Others
I would recommend the book to anyone who has a business - it doesn't matter if you're selling a beverage or CBD or software, understanding the value of your customer and employees is critical to growing a business that makes an impact.
Priscilla Tsai, CEO, and Founder, cocokind
Why You Read It
I'm always looking for inspirational founder stories that dive into both the highs and lows of the entrepreneurial journey
How It Changed Your Life/Business
This book is extremely motivating and almost comforting as a founder. Phil started his business very much like the underdog, and the journey of his personal growth was very relatable. It was a good reminder that growth is necessary, but growing is hard, too.
Advice From the Book You’ve Implemented in Life/Business
Having faith in yourself as an entrepreneur is still the most important tool you will constantly use. There were multiple points of his journey that were extremely difficult, where he could have given up. However, maintaining your determination and believing in yourself is actually a competitive advantage that will be the gift that keeps on giving.
Why You’d Recommend This Book to Others
I love that this book talks about the very real struggles both professionally and personally of Phil's journey to building Nike. We don't always hear about the challenges, but I thought that Phil did this in a way that was real, relatable, and still extremely inspirational.
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