5 Non-Committal Book Clubs You Need to Follow Now — Create + Cultivate

5 Non-Committal Book Clubs You Need to Follow Now

Today is national book lovers. 

Didya know that displaying books outward so you can see the spine is a *relatively* new addition to libraries. Books also used to be chained down (Game of Thrones style). Even monks used to chain the books to their desks. This was to prevent books from being stolen. (because they are one of the world’s most precious commodities.) 

So, in honor national book lovers day we are rounding up some of our favorite IG book clubs. It’s HARD to know what to read, especially if you’ve been out of the mix for a minute. 


Florence Welch of Florence and the Machine fame has a book club. The band’s front lady runs the handle @betweentwobooks (clearly inspired by Zack Galifinakas) and posts recommendations from well-read women like Tavi Genvison who most recently recommended 'Too Much and Not the Mood', by Durga Chew-Bose.


This site is curated by @emmaroberts and @kpreiss with the goal of discovering and reading a new book every month. According to their site, when Emma was five she made a wish list. On top of that? To own all the books in the world. We’re with her. The actress also managed to score an interview with one of the more reclusive authors, Joan Didion, about new newest book “South and West.” Head to the site to check it out and then sign up for their newsletter to find out what the #belletristbabe is reading next.


It’s not a requirement to have a name that starts with a B if you want a book club, but studies have shown that you are more likely to have a career that corresponds with the first letter of your first name. Bobby=book boss. (We think that’s his official title.) The co-founder of streetwear brand The Hundreds and founder of JENNIFER, is a forever bookworm. In January of 2f 2016 he started his book club to really learn from other readers and authors. @DeathSentencesReadingClub is his “officially unofficial” bookclub, though Bobby officially loves reading. In July they read “Murder on the Orient Express,” by Agatha Christie. You can unofficially join today by hitting a follow on their IG. 


Simply put, this site is about “women who read, for women who read.” They’ve interviewed everyone from the "Bad Feminist" herself, Roxanne Fequiere, to the Wing’s head wing woman Audrey Gelman. Their interviews are illuminating and a testament to the staying and inspirational power of the book. But, in every interview they ask the interviewee to shell out three recommendations. And they’ve got a whole section of Feminist Titles, is that’s your preferred genre. “Harry Potter,” “Slouching Toward Bethlehem,” and “Sister Outsider,” are all on the list.


Emma Watson is another actress with a thing for a book spine. Crack into her Shared Shelf to find out what she’s reading. Watson says, “I decided to start a Feminist book club, as I want to share what I’m learning and hear your thoughts too. The plan is to select and read a book every month, then discuss the work during the month’s last week (to give everyone time to read it!). I will post some questions/quotes to get things started, but I would love for this to grow into an open discussion with and between you all. Whenever possible I hope to have the author, or another prominent voice on the subject, join the conversation.” Everyone is welcome— as long as you’re a reader. The group is currently reading “The Beauty Myth,” by Naomi Wolf. Finish date is August 31st, so if you want to jump on this train get to reading! 

What are your favorite books/book clubs that exists online! Whatever you do, wherever you are, we hope you read for pleasure today.