Create & Cultivate 100: Music: Ashley Tisdale — Create + Cultivate

Create & Cultivate 100: Music: Ashley Tisdale

Is there anything Ashley Tisdale can’t do?

The actress, singer, and influencer may have risen to fame via Disney Channel, but her life since has been filled with so much more: a hit debut album, several starring roles in film & TV series, a fashion line, and most recently, a booming cosmetics brand (she acquired her namesake brand, Illuminate by Ashley Tisdale, from BH Cosmetics last year).

So what’s next for this busy entrepreneur? She’s returning to music for the first time in a decade to produce the album we all need to hear. Symptoms, her forthcoming album, is based on Ashley’s experiences with anxiety and depression—she wants to break the stigma around talking about mental health, and we can’t wait to watch her do it.

You’re about to release a new album, Symptoms. Tell us about your return to music after a 9-year hiatus.

It feels great to be back in music. It’s been a long time but I feel Symptoms is the most authentic thing I’ve done. For the first time, fans are gonna really get to know me personally!

Symptoms is based on your experiences with anxiety and depression. Was it intimidating to put yourself out there in such a vulnerable way?

It’s definitely scary! I’ve never really let people in like this and you feel kind of naked, but I think it’s too important to finally speak about these things and what I go through. I just wanted to make someone feel less alone in their journey!

Why do you think it’s important to share your struggles with mental health?

I think it’s easy to think that we all live perfect lives because of social media but it’s so important to also share that no one lives a perfect life we all have different issues and struggles. Anxiety is so acceptable now but there is still a stigma around depression and I want to break that!

You rose to fame via Disney Channel. Do you look back fondly on your High School Musical days?

Yeah! It was such a great experience, it feels like a lifetime ago.

What’s been the biggest surprise or highlight of your career to date?

I would say taking over Illuminate and becoming CEO. Years ago I would have never thought that was gonna be a role I would fill or even be confident to handle and yet here I am!

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

Let go of fear of failure because there is no such thing. Everyone goes through ups and downs and it is what gets you to the next step! It is truly a journey.

When you hit a bump or hurdle in your career, how do you find new roads + switch gears to find success?

Staying positive. Don’t let bump or hurdles scare you, usually that’s a challenge you are meant to grow from! Just keep going and let your intuition guide you.

Let go of fear of failure because there is no such thing.

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What about your job makes you feel the most fulfilled?

Being creative! I love working and love being creative in everything I do. I also love to keep learning. I can’t just be an actress because it’s not in my blood to sit and wait for the next job or audition. I love working on so many things and just being creative in general.

What guidance would you offer to young women who are chasing their dreams in entertainment?

Nothing comes easy, it takes hard work and never giving up. You will cry, you will tell yourself it’s not worth it and at times you will feel like you failed but don’t listen to those voices and keep going because you will never get to where you’re going if you quit.

What are you most excited for in 2019?

I’m excited for everyone to hear the full album Symptoms and to see all the exciting things we’ve been creating at Illuminate Cosmetics!

Photo Courtesy of Ashley Tisdale