Why This Tampon Company Is Getting in the Sex Game — Create + Cultivate

Why This Tampon Company Is Getting in the Sex Game

It's personal. 

Your sex life, that is. But that doesn't mean that you shouldn't have options when it comes to what happens in your bedroom (or couch, or kitchen table). 

Enter the newly launched Sex by LOLA: gynecologist-approved sexual health products designed with a woman's needs in mind. Adding condoms, personal lubricant, and cleansing wipes to their arsenal of products, LOLA is taking the next step in their mission to become the first lifelong brand for a woman's body.

"We recognized a pattern across all areas of women's reproductive health -- that every stage in a woman's reproductive life had problems in ingredients transparency, branding, and content," share the co-founders, Jordana Kier and Alexandra Friedman. 

LOLA's dedication to a women-first motto, led them to wonder: "What about our needs as women? Until now, our only options have been products aggressively marketed towards men and their desires."


That's why it makes perfect sense that they've introduced Sex by LOLA  — designed first and foremost for women. "We wanted to deliver better products designed with women’s needs and vaginas in mind, and we wanted to be honest about our ingredient list," they explain. "Everyone deserves to know what’s going on and inside their bodies and should be empowered to make informed decisions in their sex lives."

Want more? Check out Sex by LOLA. Launched today.