An Exclusive Look Inside Kendra Scott's Jaw-Dropping Austin HQ — Create + Cultivate

An Exclusive Look Inside Kendra Scott's Jaw-Dropping Austin HQ

Many of us may be working from home right now due to COVID-19, but what if we told you there was a magic place where you could work, workout, get your nails done (for free!), huddle up in a huddle room with co-workers, grab snacks from a FULLY stocked snack room, and also, if you're a new mom, pump in private? 

Well, guess what? For the 98% female employees at the Kendra Scott HQ in Austin, Texas that is (or was) their every day. Don't believe us? Take a quick peruse through the amazing gallery above (including shots of Scott's gorgeous office as well). If, or when, we have to go back to commuting to an office again, this is the only workspace that will make that lost hour worthwhile.

Consider this space proof that dream jobs are real. As Scott told us during our #CreateCultivateSXSW 2017 dinner, which was hosted in her gorgeous office space, “You’re having dinner inside my dream. I was told ‘no’ so many times— that you can’t be a brand out of Texas. But,” she said with a smile, “I love it when someone tells me I can’t do something.” Same, Scott. Same.

This story was originally published on April 6, 2017, and has since been updated.