How do you think about yourself? And how do you think about others?
The words we think, write and speak have so much influence on our daily lives. If we wake up and start the morning off with a smile and a proclamation “I’m going to be happy,”-- it may not set the course of the day in stone, but it definitely makes a lasting impression.
Words are so much more powerful than we give them credit for. They are able to directly influence our day, so we have to be sure we’re speaking life into our surroundings.
It’s something blogger Ali Edwards knows a lot about. Says Edwards, “In 2006 I began a tradition of choosing one word for myself each January-- a word to focus on, meditate on, and reflect upon as I go about my daily life.” Her words have included: play, peace, thrive, and whole. They are now embedded into who she is. She shares, “They’ve helped me to breathe deeper, to see clearer to navigate challenges, and to grow.”
One Little Word® Inspiration Card set.
Imagine directing the entire year of 2018 with just one word. How would you choose it and what would it mean to you? What do you want out of the next year? Claim it, speak it, go for it.
Think about your one word for 2018, one word that you want to define your progression for this next year. It can seem like just a little word, but it can have a big meaning and an even bigger effect over the course of this next year. When we put intention and clear direction behind our actions, it can be transformational.
If your word for 2018 is Joy, imagine taking everyday of 2018 with a joyful spirit and filling your work with energy and happiness. Could your word be Intention? That way every decision you make in 2018 is directed and focused. What if you pick Love and everyone you meet is affected by your word within their first impression of you.
With One Little Word®, Ali, with the help of Inked Brands, wants you to set the tone of your year.
Join us and them, and take control over your next year.
So what’s your word? Share in the comments below.
To find out more about Ali Edwards and the One Little Word® project click here. & be sure to use the code CULTIVATE5OFF at checkout.*
*Offer valid till 11:59pm ET on 01/01/18. Offer valid on purchase with minimum subtotal of $35. Promo code can not be used with another promo code. One time use only. Must enter promo code at checkout. Not responsible for forgotten or misused promo codes. Not valid on subscriptions or preorder items. Some additional exclusions may apply. Offer subject to change.