Nany's Klozet Shares the Four Hard Lessons of Blogging — Create + Cultivate

Nany's Klozet Shares the Four Hard Lessons of Blogging

Daniela Ramirez is a dreamer who started her blog to create an inspiring space for Latinas and WOC in fashion an beauty. The Miami-based influencer now has over 150k followers on Instagram.

But she doesn't think blogging should be an end goal. We caught up with the woman behind Nany's Klozet to chat hard lessons, blog evolution, and why Latinas and WOC should support each other more. 

You've been blogging for 5 years now - how has your blog Nany's Klozet evolved since? 

I actually started blogging in 2009. Back then it was called Fab Chic and Fit and it was only in Spanish- it had absolutely no personal style and was almost anonymous. I opened Nany’s Klozet in 2011 as a way to separate “magazine-ish” content from personal outfits. 

Blogging has changed in so many ways. At the time most bloggers were either in school or working- few saw it as a business career, most of us were sharing content simply because had a need to share our passion or knowledge. I find it amazing how brands slowly started to realize the influence bloggers have, and we definitely have changed how brands market to their audiences. Also it is interesting to see how people have shifted from reading online to instant gratification with social.

What is one thing you used to do in 2011 for your blog, that you will never do again?

Never say never! But we (my now-husband takes all my photos) used to take outfit pictures in abandoned streets in the middle of nowhere. I was super shy about taking pictures with people around me, so I guess that’s why I liked it.  Now I'll look at them and it didn’t make sense. I think that the outfit has to match what you are doing and where you are going. 

What would you say are some of the hard lessons of blogging?

There have been many hard lessons along the way:

  1. Be very careful with contracts. Have a lawyer look at them. Some brands want to take advantage of you.
  2. Never lose yourself for money. Never take opportunities because of a good pay. It’s important to stay true to yourself. Your audience notices.
  3. Also don’t change for your audience. I’ve seen people change the direction of their content. I understand thinking about what content they need, but blogging is about sharing your passion, not pleasing others.
  4. We need to stop obsessing over numbers and followers….and focus in quality content (and quality of heart and soul)- with that, the following will come organically.

"Never take opportunities because of a good pay. It’s important to stay true to yourself. Your audience notices."

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Everyone has their one growth hack or strategy to help their blog grow - what is yours that you stick to religiously?

I try to interact with my readers as much as I can. To always answer their comments and keep the engagement high. Blogging is a two-way form of communication. It’s not only a “come, read me” but also listen back to what they have to say and answer. I always go to my reader’s profiles and comment on their photos. I’ve met so many amazing girls and I’ve found amazing blogs that way too.

"Blogging is a two-way form of communication. It’s not only a 'come, read me' but also listen back to what they have to say and answer."

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In a way your blog is a testament to making it look easy, while also looking polished and perfectly composed. However, we know that are BTS stressors that all bloggers deal with. What are some aspects of blogging that your audience doesn't see?

I don’t even know where to start…there are so many! My husband and I have had countless fights while taking pictures…I don’t even remember why but I get frustrated easily (and often!).

I also think we don’t wear heels as often as seen on the blog- I always have another extra pair on the car. Sunglasses are always great to increase the chance of a good picture. Plus sunglasses mean you don’t necessarily have to wear makeup!

Sometimes I think readers don’t know the amount of work we do and it all looks super flawless. Recently I did a nail polish campaign in Mexico where I had to change polish twice a day for three days and run around doing specific activities at the hotel. It was a blast, but it definitely wasn’t as polished and composed as it looked.

"Sometimes I think readers don’t know the amount of work we do [as bloggers]…and it all looks super flawless."

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As a Latina, you have been able to encourage other WOC to start their own blogs and become a part of the digital space in fashion. What else do you feel needs to be done for representation of Latinas and other WOC in the digital space?

Being 100% honest, I think Latinas and WOC need to start supporting each other MORE. I absolutely love my Latina community and I’m so proud to be Hispanic. However, I think Latina readers still prefer the tall/skinny/blonde/European looking blogger.

I also have been in many situations where I know I was filling the “Latina spot”- like campaigns with a blonde, a brunette, an African-American, and me. Brands need to stop looking at us as a space to fill, and instead acknowledge that we are a BIG part of U.S society.

What is one piece of advice that you have for anyone that is looking to start a blog today?

I would tell them to see a blog as a step to a reaching a bigger goal. I don’t think being a blogger should be the end-goal. For example: if you want to be a personal stylist….share your tips, do make overs, share your work. If you want to be a magazine editor, imagine you are already doing the job and treat your blog like it. Treat your blog as your portfolio…a passionate portfolio. Enjoy every second of it and genuinely network…you are going to meet some amazing people along the way!

"Treat your blog as your portfolio…a passionate portfolio."

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Make sure to see Daniela on panel this fall as she joins us at Create & Cultivate Atlanta. Click here to get your tickets now!