The Bonnie Brae Terrace on the north side of the hotel features a terrace full of palms surrounding this natural wood communal table.
Credit: Johnny Simpson

Every room has floor to ceiling windows, but the north side of the hotel has views of the Hollywood Hills and the Griffith Park Observatory.
Credit: Ja Tecson

There is actually not a single bad angle inside Commissary, the much-loved restaurant set inside a greenhouse. Set beside the shimmering pool it has all the amenities of a private club that's open to the public.
Credit: The Awesome Candle

Even from inside the valet, you can grab an awesome palm shot.
Credit: Knibb Design

Take a pic or take a ride on a custom Linus x The LINE bike.
Credit: Kode of Kondukt

The LINE Hotel in Koreatown, Los Angeles is known for it's brutalist architecture, amazing food, and even better atmosphere. Just about every knook, cranny, and corner has a shot worth taking. Click through to peep our pick of the 10 Most Instagrammable spots at this hip hotel.
For more Instagrammable moments, check out our #CreateCultivateDTLA speaker dinner with our friends at Dove here.