How to Craft a Resume That's Full of Flavor — Create + Cultivate

How to Craft a Resume That's Full of Flavor

In the last fifty years the way we do business has evolved exponentially. One, the Internet: we work on-the-go and on planes, from the back of our Ubers and on Sundays. Traditional work hours have become a relic of the past. There is no office normcore. Nor do we want their to be.

Yet despite the changes we’ve seen-- even in the last ten years alone-- there is one antique that keeps hangin’ on: THE RESUME.

If business has changed, why hasn’t the resume?

So, we asked Bai, the better-for-you beverage company that believes “taste is temporary, flavor is forever,” how to create a resume that's full of forever flavor. Flavor is the promise to not be dull. And let’s be real: when you’re sending your resume to a company that receives hundreds of applicants, you need to stand out to gain the competitive edge.

In short: you need to ditch the dull. Here’s how to make yours a forever resume with these 6 tips from Bai.


You’ve had a lot of jobs, but your career resume is different than what you cobbled together to land your first job. Internships or summer jobs you held in college, those can go. Bulk is not better in the case of your resume.

“Bulk is not better in the case of your resume.”

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Listing jobs that are not directly related to the position you’re applying for is fine, but you don’t need to laundry list Every. Single. Position. you’ve ever had. Edit your resume so that it’s ONE PAGE ONLY and highlights your best work.


Speaking of your best work, have you ever sat down and asked yourself what you want your resume to accomplish? WE KNOW! A job, that much is a given, but beyond a job. What do you what your resume to communicate about you?

Most applicants don’t think of their resume in terms of strategy. They think that starts after they snag the position-- but that’s a dated way of thinking. To bring your resume into 2016, make sure that every line counts and that you can answer the ‘why’ as to why you’re including it.


Employers are optimizing across the board. Most Fortune 100 companies use something known as the Applicant Tracking System. Doesn’t sound sexy, but it’s critical to understand in the current job market. Even small companies who don’t have the bandwidth for hiring departments are relying on software that searches job-seeker databases for keywords related to the position they are a looking to fill. Skill-related nouns are one of the most searched keywords. Think: marketing campaigns and special events— i.e. nouns related to the skills the employer wants in a candidate. However, don’t front-load the top of your resume with a list of words. They should be integrated into your resume to show how you’ve best used that skill.

“Integrate keywords into your resume to optimize your chances of being seen.”

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You know they are going to be looking, so make it easy and include your social handles at the top of your resume. They are equally as important (if not more) than your phone number. Companies want to see who you are, how you engage on social media, and yes, how many followers you have.


You see this on blog posts— call-outs of the most interesting quotes or content. There’s good reasoning behind it: it’s the most interesting. Also, it breaks up what you’re looking at. You don’t need to InDesign your resume, but bullet points and line breaks are so 1998. Really want to show that you have resume flavor? Call-out your strengths. If you grew a brand’s Instagram following from over the course of a year with social programming, highlight those numbers. Give them stats. Companies love stats. You know what they don’t like...


Research shows you have six seconds to snag a potential employer's interest. So you should use this opportunity for them to focus on your skills, not your new haircut. That’s why you’re including your social media handles.

A lot of people think that a photo is a great addition to a resume— adds a personal touch, but what it’s really adding is a distraction, and stealing precious seconds away from you accomplishments.