Links We Love: CreateCultivateATL Conference Edition — Create + Cultivate

Links We Love: CreateCultivateATL Conference Edition

While some of us are busy planning our Halloween costumes or gearing up for #CreateCultivateATL, Snapchat is reportedly planning for a 25 Billion dollar IPO

BRB crying under our desks

Smiling again. This is why we do what we do. Who run the virtual reality world? Girls. 

Looking for some delicious motivation? Shonda Rhimes used Baskin-Robbins to learn responsibility

More ice cream stories that matter

It's a bloody mess out there. Have you gone through your social menopause yet? 

We're all crazy-making busy. This writer points out why it's going unnoticed

Working toward parity is tough. It took 35 years to narrow the pay gap by this amount. 

We talk a lot about authenticity at our conferences. But has it become a buzzword, marketing trap? 

This is making it almost impossible to wait for the holiday. 

And because we all deserve a little laughter. Here's an invitation to laugh together