Do You Really Need to Be a Full Stack Employee? — Create + Cultivate

Do You Really Need to Be a Full Stack Employee?


If you really want to land that dream job, you need to be sure that you’re making yourself as marketable as possible to a potential employer. Obviously, if you are more experienced and have a wide variety of skills you already have a leg up on the competition and are one step closer to getting hired. However, is catering to a broader spectrum of tasks in order to impress an employer more efficient, or is it a recipe for spreading yourself too thin? 

Being a full stack employee doesn’t mean that you need to be able to do every job there is to do under the sun. By allotting yourself a list of tasks that are catered to the position that you’re looking to get, you’re able to give yourself and your employer/client a better understanding of what you’re able to do rather than promise to do tasks that you might not be able to do to their full capacity.


There is no doubt you should find the ways to get a leg up on the competition and stand out to your potential employer. If you’re a marketer, and your potential employer hears that you know how to produce content, edit, write RFP’s, know how to manage social, know how to edit a website, and even walk their dog; there’s a pretty good chance that you’ll get the job. However, there’s a difference in being able to cater to your employer/client’s needs and over-promising on things that you won’t be able to fully execute.

We won’t argue that there is a large demand for full-stack employees today, especially in the startup world, but the more your over-promise the more you run the risk of running into  situations where your attention is pulled into so many directions your work is suffering and you are not getting tasks completed to their full potential.


Think about it you’re writing and being your own editor, running meetings, taking notes, creating content, shooting photos, creating graphics, handling events, running production and now you're at the point where you’re not even sure what your title is anymore. Are you even a marketing director anymore, or are you more along the lines of a creative director? Or are you something completely different then what you began as? You don’t even know what to label yourself as.

Sure tackling on all these tasks can look impressive on paper, but you might be doing yourself a disservice by having your attention divided on so many different tasks that you less focused on the more important ones. Not only that, but if your employer may start to see that you are not able to fully dedicate yourself to the tasks you promised; they might start to think that you lied on your resume to get the job. If you want to truly make yourself a full-stack employee, you have to start off with prioritizing and focusing on the most important task and then see how you can branch off into the specifics. 


Even if you’re a full stack employee, you still need  to set your limitations, while understanding that you can still be niche and specific. For example: if you’re an editorial director you can also say that you write content, handle an editorial team, edit content, shoot content, pitch sponsorships, and even edit content for your social media manger. Know yourself, your limits, your capabilities and be confident in them. 

At the end of the day, you want to be able to do your job to its full potential and still be able to wear a lot of hats. That’s what will make you truly marketable and will ultimately land you that dream job.