Boss Dating Tips from Bumble CEO Whitney Wolfe — Create + Cultivate

Boss Dating Tips from Bumble CEO Whitney Wolfe

Whitney Wolfe is the Founder of Bumble. The dating app where women have to make the first move (because you only live Beyonce, amiright all my single ladies?). Which seems to be an approach that many women are taking in both their business and personal lives. But when you’re busy hustling, it’s highly possible that dating falls at the bottom of a very long to-do list. So we checked in with the CEO to find out her tips for dating when you’re a boss, like her. 

1.  When you’re busy, throwing paint against the wall to see what sticks isn’t the best approach. Part of the point of dating apps is to suss people out, “break the ice, keep it lighthearted, and let us be your wing woman,” says Wolfe. Use this opportunity almost as a first date that doesn’t require you to leave your house. (If only dating was actually that easy. *sobs in ice cream.*) 

"Use dating apps as an opportunity almost as a first date that doesn’t require you to leave your house.” 

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2.  There are plenty of fish in the sea, and the pool of Bumble men is on point. But with over 1 million users just about evenly split between men and woman, remember: mercury poisoning is also real— we’re looking at you Jeremy Piven, emoji wink. So you need to manage your expectations about what a dating app can do, in the same way you manage your stress, employees, work load, and email inbox. There’s no magic bullet for anything. Mitigating expectancies is crucial, especially when you’re first starting out.

3. No group photos. Do you head into an investor meeting with a posse? Do you bring your bestie to your business brunch? Nope. If you want to be taken seriously, be serious. Show your face in your profile pic. Wolfe says, “If you have six photos of you and all your friends, it’s going to be harder for you to make great matches.” Beyond that, it’s fine to show that you have friends and you *woop Drake voice* know how to cut a rug, but as a HBIC you should also know there is such a thing as over-selling it. Be confident in you. That said…

4. You’re a Boss in the boardroom. There’s no reason you can’t be Queen Boss on Bumble too. Wolfe says, “There is nothing more attractive than confidence and intelligence.” We’d have to agree. If a man is intimidated by a powerful woman, then he’s not the man for you. Going on a date with him is just a waste of your time. If in in your initial convo he’s trying to one-up you, give him the the ole “BRB” and never come back. 

5. Time and again female CEOs reiterate how important it is to be authentic. When you’re looking for investors, when you’re starting a business, when you’re pitching a client— authenticity and honestly are key when making smart business decisions. Wolfe says, “I would never wear red lipstick in real life, so for me to then put photos with a full face of makeup and red lipstick would be ridiculous. Sure, it might get more right swipes, but it’s not the right kind of men I’d be attracting. It’s not important to have a first date—it’s important to have something authentic and real.”

It’s not important to have a first date—it’s important to have something authentic and real.”

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6. Use your time wisely, and be online during peak times. There are good times to Instagram (ahem, 12nEST when Europeans are home from work, the east coast is heading to lunch and the west coast is rising and shining), and there are smart times to Bumble. That sweet honey hour for Bumble according to Wolfe, “is at 6pm.” Which just happens to be Happy Hour. Coincidence? Nope. 

Be sure to check out Whitney on the Main Stage this January at Create & Cultivate Dallas, where she’ll be dolling out much more than dating tips. Think: How she landed a spot as the first female guest on Trevor Noah’s “The Daily Show.”