Create & Connect: Aimee Santos Gives Us Her Life Hack — Create + Cultivate

Create & Connect: Aimee Santos Gives Us Her Life Hack

Aimee Santos of Swell Mayde is a natural born maker. Or as she calls herself, a “mayker.” As both designer and style blogger, she's had to figure out how to strike a balance between the two and thrive in the face of chaos.

She's always in the midst of multitude of creative projects. Whether she's sourcing and dishing what we need to be wearing (and buying for friends and fam) this holiday season. Or teaching us how to DIY an envelope wrap skirt, we are always amazed by how she finds the time to keep the momentum in her work life and manage productivity. 

Which is why she’s part of this week’s Create & Connect with our friends at Logitech! We pick her brain below to see how her career has flourished, and how she's managed her hectic life with the help of tools like the Logitech K380 Multi-Device Bluetooth Keyboard.

+What side projects do you indulge in aside from blogging and designing?

Drawing and making jewelry.

+What is the one life hack that has helped you be more productive?

I love to start my day early. I feel so accomplished by the end of the day.

+How do you balance designing and blogging?

Stay organized and keep a detailed calendar.

+How important is a work life balance for you, or do they intersect?

So important. I need moments of the day/week that I can relax and re-energize myself.

+How do tools like the Logitech K380 Multi-Device keyboard help you be more productive and manage multitasking?

Having a keyboard for my phone and iPad is life-changing. I am able to finish tasks much faster. It also allows me to multi-task so easily since I can connect multiple devices to it and switch between them with a touch of a button.

+What is the one thing you like to add under your belt but haven't had the chance to do yet?

Interior designer/real estate developer.

+How do you deal with the busy trap?

Try to stay organized.  When I feel overwhelmed, I take a moment and schedule out my day/week. It instantly de-stresses me to know that I can get through everything with proper planning.

"Stay organized and keep a detailed calendar."

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Make sure to check out Aimee’s blog here at, and if you’re looking for the perfect holiday tech gift to get you started this Black Friday, be sure to add the Logitech K380 Multi-Device Bluetooth Keyboard to your shopping list!