TCB: Side Hustle Queens — Create + Cultivate

TCB: Side Hustle Queens

All hail the side-hustle—the art of pursuing a passion project even when it's not the only thing on your plate. Here, four talented woman who are getting it done, even when there's a lot to do.

Name: Brandy Pham

Full Time Gig: Wife, Mommy, Brandy Pham Jewelry

Current Side Hustle: has been a side hustle for a year now, but turned into full time along side @brandypham

Elevator Pitch:

I dreamt up because Instagram was such a vital part of our Brandy Pham jewelry business. If I didn't post, I didn't get a sell, and my husband quickly called that out. Being a new parent was a full time job in itself and I would have to plan out my Instagram content and draft my captions ahead of time (nap times and late at night). I would take photos and edit on my iPhone, e-mail to myself, visually plan my feed on photoshop, draft my captions in Evernote, set alarms for when to post, then copy and paste to Instagram. My husband thought I was insane, so he set out to make come to life for me. Now you can plan your Instagram content, draft captions, schedule each post all on one platform via mobile or web dashboard seamlessly. It's beautifully designed, simple to use, and will make your life easier whether you're a brand, business, agency, or power Instagrammer. This was truly a labor love!

How you balance the two:

Some days are better than others, but having a schedule and routine has been the key to our sanity and happiness. I love knowing exactly what's going to happen each day and it keeps my boys happy as well. Even though I have two businesses, I always make sure I take care of my family first.

My husband and I both take care of our toddler at home, and since we are business owners as well as partners in work and life, we never really stop working. We had to set boundaries, so everyday, after dinner, we take Theo out for a nice long walk and we always leave our phones at home. That's our time to really talk and have personal engagement.

We don't sleep as much as we want to, but you have to do what you have to do for the life you want. At night, we usually work until midnight or if we're on a tight deadline, we try our best to be in bed by 2-3am since our son wakes up at 6:30am on the dot. We usually put in some work on the weekends as well... it never really stops, but that's the life of entrepreneurs, right? We make sure we take some days off and some nights we just put on a movie and decompress. We try to stop and remind ourselves to enjoy the journey and have fun in the process!

We don't sleep as much as we want to, but you do what you have to do for the life you want.

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Name: Eva Goicochea

Full Time Gig: Founder/Web Designer/Brand strategist at eg° studio

Current Side Hustle: I co-founded Tinker Watches and Hush Supply Co.

Elevator Pitch:

Tinker: Build-your-own, minimalist watches
Hush Supply: Well-designed, get-lucky essentials

How you balance the two: I used a LOT of tools to stay organized and make sure to organize my in-box I recommend:, Sunrise, Wave Apps, and Proposify. Also, if you work in a team, get on Trello.





Name: Monica Wang

Full Time Gig:  Director of Finance at Saucey

Current Side Hustle: Photographer

Elevator Pitch:

I am a big believer in life is what you make out of it. I actively seek out opportunities and work incredibly hard to make things happen. I am constantly learning, exploring, and practicing my craft, whatever it may be, because it really does take that extra amount of effort to be great at it. My philosophy is if you want something you have to go after it with everything you got and put your words into action.
How you balance the two:  

For me, I am always juggling between time and my innate desire to do everything (I get major FOMO), but I have accepted that I cannot physically nor mentally handle it all. That was a hard lesson for me to learn.  I realized that I had to choose my opportunities strategically and map out a business plan for photography just the way I created business plans for Saucey. That helped me to weed out gigs that don't contribute to my overall life goals.  I try to use every opportunity as a stepping stone to learn and connect with others and that has helped me to get my name out there quickly within the industry.

Weed out gigs that don't contribute to your overall life goals.

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Name: Meghan Donovan

Full Time Gig: Vice President, MSLGROUP

Current Side Hustle: Blogger behind wit & whimsy

Elevator Pitch:

I currently oversee a team working on one of the world's most recognized Silicon Valley brands as a VP in PR & marketing. When I'm not developing integrated plans or strategy, playing manager or providing client counsel, I pen my fashion and lifestyle blog, wit & whimsy which I created in 2006! See also: Brunch fiend. Soulcycle addict. Ice coffee enthusiast. Fan of wit.

How you balance the two:

After over eight years of balancing both I can say that what I've learned is that you'll never actually achieve perfection when it comes to the art of balance. But you can employ tactics for running your side hustle like you do your career to make the two manageable. These include scheduling in-person meetings to foster key relationships, finding mentors that will help inspire and motivate you and limiting your "office hours" to help diminish burnout. I've certainly had those days and weeks where I feel like I'm spinning but when I do feel that way, I know it's time to hit the pause button. I unplug, do something for myself that's unrelated to either my job or my blog and I spend time with friends that help rejuvenate me! Remember that you are not alone and can't do it all but you are powerful, capable and determined and those are all to be respected and celebrated!

Kate Williams

Writer + editorial director in Los Angeles. Reading books + watching palm trees.