Summer Camp Mentor Session: Gretchen Jones


Summer Camp

Mentor Session: Gretchen Jones


Gretchen is a strategic business advisor, an NLP practitioner, and holds an MBA from the London College of Fashion. She is also a keynote speaker/lecturer and ambassador for sustainability, most notably presenting her work regularly at SXSW. In her previous life, she was an award-winning design [fashion] director and GenArt inductee. Her work/ideas have been featured in - Business of Fashion, WWD, The New York Times,, Refinery29, Elle, Glamour, etc. 

Jones specializes in working with leaders from the Creative/Cultural, Entrepreneurial & Corporate Citizenship sectors. Her clients/audience have a desire to connect more deeply with themselves and their motivating drivers through aligning more holistically with their value systems.

Her clients span the globe and work in a vast swath of industries–such as print & digital media, publishing, cinema/theater, fashion/retail, design, creative conferences/events, fine art, craft, health & wellness, and beauty, etc.


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