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Free Download: Designsake Studio x Create & Cultivate

You loved our first free download with our stock photo series, so we're treating you to even more free downloads!

This week, we've got 8 amazing wallpapers and patterns from the one and only Danielle McWaters of Designsake Studio. Feel free to use to spruce up your desktop background, or even add some colors to your phone's background! Use them at your heart's content! Download the pack here now, and show us how you're using them by tagging @designsakestudio on Instagram and using #createcultivate! 

DOWNLOAD: Designsake Studio x Create & Cultivate



Danielle McWaters is the creative behind Designsake Studio, a boutique studio specializing in design, direction, and branding. Danielle is a believer of design and it’s ability to create new connections and lasting impressions. It drives her to create things that are not only authentic, but that matter. Working alongside her clients, she develops strategies and solutions to transform big ideas into stand out design.