Martha Stewart on Growth, Imposter Syndrome, and How She Wants to Be Remembered — Create + Cultivate

Martha Stewart on Growth, Imposter Syndrome, and How She Wants to Be Remembered

What. A. Legend. When we found our we’d be graced with the presence of the one and only Martha Stewart as one of our keynote conversations at our New York conference, we may or may not have collectively lost it at the C&C office. And, of course, Martha did not disappoint. Though she admitted she doesn’t suffer from imposter syndrome (LOL, can you share your secrets, Martha?!), she did offer some sage advice that only a woman who’s been killing it in business for decades could know. Read on for her tips on growth, hiring, and what she wants her legacy to be.

On whether print is dead…

“Even though magazines are now, again, failing and closing, due to the digital world—we still produce a beautiful magazine every single month.”

On having more than 8,000 products in her line…

“We found that even though we were giving people the how-to ideas, many people wanted the product, so it was a perfect way expand into product development. We continue to do products in many different categories.”

“I want to see which method of selling works the best. Can we improve those ways of selling?”

On the longevity of her product line…

“We’ve been making beautiful, useful, well-made products for a long time, and I want to continue to do that in a big way. We want to be where the customer wants and needs us.”

Advice for women looking to grow a team and find their forever employees…

“Find someone who is competent, exciting, curious. And you have to be able to train people and spend time with a new employee.”

On imposter syndrome…

“Take the reins. Be a strong, willful, self-possessed person. You have to be if you’re going to be in business for yourself. You have to be able to let stuff run off you—you can’t dwell on the problem.”

“I have a silly little motto: When you’re through changing, you’re through. You have to be able to change and swerve to adapt.”

Advice for younger self…

“Stay true to your beliefs.”

Be a strong, willful, self-possessed person. You have to be if you’re going to be in business for yourself.

Last text to Snoop…

“I wished his mom a happy birthday!”

Life hack for busy working women…

“2-3 housekeepers.” 🤣

Where she gets her energy…

“Green juice!”

On her legacy…

“I want to be remembered as a good woman who is a good teacher; one who is fun and has accomplished a lot.”