Living Limitless–Maxey Greene — Create + Cultivate

Living Limitless–Maxey Greene

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What do you love most about yourself––what are you most proud of?

My drive. I’ve always been so passionate about my work and my career. I’ve been working hard for a long time and actually feared being a mom might slow me down, but I’m finding my balance and I’m actually really proud of that! But career wise- I launched a clothing collaboration this year with Hutch & Nuuly. It was a dream of mine for a very long time and it felt amazing seeing it come alive.

What has motherhood taught you––and how has it changed you?

You got to go with the flow. I feel like I used to be pretty rigid before my son. With a kid- you can try all you want to have things go a certain way or a certain schedule, but at the end of the day you kind of just have to roll with it.

Is confidence something that came naturally to you in motherhood or was it something you had to learn?

My instincts kicked in incredibly fast. I actually kind of shocked myself. There are definitely moments where I think “what the hell am I doing?” but anytime I look at him and he smiles his big gummy smile- I know I’m doing something right.

What does confidence feel like to you? When do you feel the most confident?

Confidence feels like freedom. Feeling insecure makes you feel anxious and that you just want to hide away. When you don’t feel that way- you can just feel so free. Free to just be you.

How has your confidence changed with time?

I definitely find myself getting even more confident as I get older. I think it has less to do with appearance and more to do with just being secure with who you are. Looks will keep changing, but when your secure with your core self- you kind of flow with the changes.

Do you ever have moments where you feel insecure? What helps you to overcome this?

Of course. Every one has insecurities- it’s what makes us human. I try not to focus too hard on it. I put my attention on things I don’t feel insecure about.

Who do you turn to for support in life? Describe how they bring out the best in you and empower you to live your life without limits?

My partner, Daniel, is my support. I couldn’t imagine not having him cheering me on everyday. He makes me feel capable of anything. His words motivate me, but just knowing that he’s by my side makes me feel like I can accomplish anything.