Lifestyle Blogger Jennifer Henry-Novich Shares Her Best Tips for Working Remotely — Create + Cultivate

#WFAnywhere With Lifestyle Blogger Jennifer Henry-Novich

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“2020 was hard on all of us, and it’s been a balance of finding a new normal and doing things safely.”

—Jennifer Henry-Novich, Lifestyle Blogger

With so many of us working from home in 2021, your office may look different—and that’s probably a good thing. According to a recent poll conducted by The New York Times and Morning Consult, 86% of remote workers say that they’re satisfied working from home and only one in five want to return to the office. As an increasing number of employers adopt flexible remote-work policies to keep employee satisfaction high and keep up with the changing times, we’re launching our #WFAnywhere series in partnership with Alaska Airlines to spotlight how remote workers balance work and play while working from anywhere (#WFAnywhere). Ahead, lifestyle blogger Jennifer Henry-Novich, shares her in-flight essentials for a safe and comfortable trip, her #1 tip for avoiding distractions while working in a new environment, and more tips on how to #WFAnywhere.

Where are you traveling? Why did you choose this location to work remotely?

We had a work trip that required us to be in Palm Springs and we’d been putting it off all of 2020, but it finally came time to escape from quarantine and get it done! 

What are you most excited about your destination and why?

Palm Springs has been a long-time favorite of mine for girls’ trips and Coachella. I love enjoying the pool days and warm evenings! But now that we are in different times, it’s nice to be able to get a change of scenery from working from home and be able to take care of our real estate project work under the palm trees and blue skies. 

We were most looking forward to spending time in our beautiful Airbnb and lounging in the pool and hot tub, ordering takeout at some of the best recommended Palm Springs restaurants, and taking a drive out to Joshua Tree for some socially distanced hiking in nature. 

Why is it important to change up your scenery after being in quarantine? What precautions are you taking before you leave to ensure a safe trip both while you’re traveling and once you arrive? What tips can you share? 

2020 was hard on all of us, and it’s been a balance of finding a new normal and doing things safely. Prior to traveling, we self quarantined and tested to ensure we wouldn’t be exposing anyone on our flight, as well as self quarantining and testing following our return. I was really impressed at Alaska Airline’s commitment to safety and sanitation (i.e. HEPA air filters, passenger spacing, cleaning, etc.) and that’s ultimately why we felt comfortable traveling at this time. To maintain safety, we don’t mess around with masking up! We even doubled up on them as I’ve heard there is added protection from doing so! Once inside the airport, we avoided busy areas and didn’t eat or drink to keep our masks on. 

What are your in-flight must-haves for ensuring your flight is as safe and comfortable as possible?

It’s funny to see what my in-flight must-haves would have been in 2019 versus now—but here we are! A comfortable mask (I prefer the surgical masks over cloth), hand sanitizer, sanitizing wipes, blue light glasses since I’m spending time reading on my phone, and noise-canceling headphones to reduce aircraft ambient noise.

Are you a work-from-the-air kind of person, or do you use this time to disconnect?

Given our flight to Palm Springs was approximately one hour, it’s hard to get set up and get too much work done. I’m more of a disconnect and enjoy the view out the window type of traveler. 

Being in an airplane is one of the few times when my phone notifications are not going off so it’s actually a nice break. If I’m not window gazing, I like to read books on my phone (currently reading “Atomic Habits” by James Clear) or use the time to look through my photos on my phone.

What’s in your carry-on? What are some things you plan on taking with you to ensure you’re prepared to work (ie. can set up a virtual office when you arrive) and stay safe while you’re traveling during COVID? 

I’ve become a very good travel packer from my previous consulting days (working at Deloitte and Ernst and Young) and always bring a rolling carry-on to avoid an extra trip to baggage claim (unless I’m traveling for a longer trip and need to bring more). 

My carry-on includes my work-from-anywhere office:

  • My work binder, which includes all important papers I need for in-progress projects, mail to handle, notes—basically anything I need to do work that doesn’t live inside my laptop or phone. I’ve learned the hard way how important it is to be organized with papers so I always keep this binder up to date with things I need to handle.

  • My planner, which serves as my to-do list, weekly agenda, and notebook all in one

  • Laptop and charger

  • Phone and charger

  • Apple Watch and charger

Since that’s all I need to work from anywhere, we’re able to hunker down in our Airbnb and keep our projects moving while keeping safe.

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“If I know that I want to enjoy the pool at our Airbnb house but the sun is gone by 4 pm, I’ll plan my meetings and workday accordingly.”

—Jennifer Henry-Novich, Lifestyle Blogger

While being away from home as a remote worker is fun, it can also be challenging if you don’t plan. Can you share three tips for working remotely while traveling that set you up for success?

  1. Make a plan for each of your days the day before. At the end of each of my days, I’m planning out what I’m doing tomorrow. I’m checking what calls/Zoom meetings I have the next day and at what time, I’m adding must-do items to my to-do list and slotting them in time blocks

  2. Block your time for work versus personal. If I know that I want to enjoy the pool at our Airbnb house but the sun is gone by 4 pm, I’ll plan my meetings and workday accordingly. Maybe it’s blocking 12-2 pm for fun in the sun and 5-7 pm is focused work time with no distractions, before dinner!

  3. Be realistic about what you can achieve while traveling. I’m notorious for making a to-do list 20 items long and in reality, I just can’t get it all done with the things that pop up in the day. If you’re working away from home, factor travel-related fun into your schedule. When I’m home, it’s no big deal to reheat leftovers for dinner—but in Palm Springs, I want to shut down my laptop, pick up amazing take out from a local restaurant, and enjoy the beautiful home I’ve rented. 

Do you set up a “virtual office” in your hotel? How do you set yourself up for success to avoid/minimize distractions?  

100% yes. I’m not a person that can effectively work from bed or the couch so it’s important to me to set up a dedicated workspace. I like to spread out on a desk or dining table and have my laptop, projects binder, notebook, and phone to get in the zone. I love to play music in the background to keep me focused.

What are some of the activities you enjoyed at your destination during your WFAnywhere trip? 

Note: During COVID-19, travel restrictions are prone to change. Always check before departure and follow local guidance. Alaska Airlines is committed to your health and safety, learn more about Next-Level Care.