How to Take Control of Your Finances and Cultivate Confidence Around Money — Create + Cultivate

How to Take Control of Your Finances and Cultivate Confidence Around Money


Welcome to this special episode of WorkParty titled Money Talks, a Budget Broadcast Series in partnership with You Need a Budget (YNAB), designed to educate everyone on the power of building a budget.

Whether your financial goals are aimed at booking the vacation in Europe you’ve been dreaming about pre-lockdown, paying off your high interest credit card debt, or simply starting to save for the future—a budget (of all sizes) can help you accomplish those dreams.

To kick off our first of three Money Talks episodes, Jaclyn is joined by Jesse Mecham, the founder of YNAB, the app designed to be your best money-saving friend.

Get your notepad ready and press play on episode one! Your budgeting game is about to change.

Try YNAB Free for 34 Days

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