How to Successfully Cold Email, According to a CEO With a Wildly Profitable Business — Create + Cultivate

One *Very* Successful CEO's 4 Hacks for Cold Emailing

Photo: Liza Summer from Pexels

Photo: Liza Summer from Pexels

Let’s talk about cold emailing.

Katia Beauchamp, the co-founder of the wildly successful beauty company Birchbox, has said that she and her co-founder started cold emailing CEOs in the beauty industry to get the idea in front of them. Now she's one of them. Beauchamp shared, "I cold emailed several presidents, CEOs, and brand managers in the beauty industry and the majority of people responded!"

So we asked: What are a few things that every cold email should include?

She divulged below. 

1. Have a compelling subject line.

“It needs to motivate the reader to open the message. At the very least it should say something more than, ‘Hello,’ or ‘Looking to get in touch.’ I used, ‘Reimagining beauty online.’”

2. Keep the email concise.

“The email should be short enough so that a person can read it without having to scroll down on his or her phone. The less time and energy it takes to read it, the better.”

3. Don't attach a business plan to explain the idea.

“That's asking a lot. Try a one-pager that briefly describes the idea/value proposition. We framed our one-pager by introducing the brands as the stakeholder and how Birchbox could help that brand.”

4. Ask for something that’s easy to say yes to.

“I asked CEOs and brand managers for five minutes of their time to give me advice. Those emails eventually turned into a meeting and the meeting turned into a pitch. Those pitch meetings ultimately led to partnerships with massive brands, early on.”

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This story was originally published on May 25, 2017, and has since been updated.