How to Be an Art Director at Banana Republic — Create + Cultivate

Banana Republic's Art Director Says Having a Life Outside of Work Is Critical to Success

We often look to the iconic leaders of our time for motivation and wisdom, but for many of us, this is purely inspirational and not as applicable to our everyday lives. We truly believe there is more benefit in looking to your left and seeking out a peer-to-peer mentorship with a colleague or friend you admire. Why? Firstly, they will likely have the time to be your mentor, and secondly, their advice will be relatable and allow you to see your path clearly while keeping your mind open to new ideas, identifying new opportunities, and helping you self-advocate.  We call them
Everyday Superheroes. In this new series, we talk to the people who are paying it forward, lifting others up and paving a smoother path for the next generation to come.

Photo: Courtesy of Banana Republic.

It’s safe to say that the traditional career model has been completely disrupted. The path to your dream job is no longer linear—it takes many twists, turns, and jumps along the way—and the days of choosing one job for the rest of your life are officially over. Now, it’s a choose-your-own-adventure journey and which way you turn is completely up to you.

Kimara Mitchell’s story is proof that every job, no matter how big or small, all contribute to the end goal. When she was working at her local Macy’s in the Esprit shop-in-shop or studying to be an engineer, she didn’t know that one day she’d end up in her dream job. Fast forward to today, and Mitchell is now working as the associate art director at Banana Republic leading photoshoot art direction, research, and hiring a team of photographers, illustrators, designers and more to bring the brand to life.

Everything about Mitchell’s career path has been non-traditional including how she landed her current role. Read on to hear how the award-winning designer went from the agency side to in-house, what she does to prevent burnout, and why staying true to who you are at work is key to your success (and the business).

And if, like us, this has you feeling inspired and motivated to kick off the new decade with a whole new perspective, then head over to the Banana Republic career’s page to learn more about how you can get involved and embark on a new, and exciting career path for 2020.

CREATE & CULTIVATE: What did you study in school? And what did you want to be when you grew up?

KIMARA MITCHELL: “Initially I was an engineering/urban planning major. I’ve always been obsessed with cities—how they are planned, transit, green spaces, community buildings—and thought it would be the right career path for me. I didn’t realize how technical it was and after taking an illustration class in my sophomore year, my professor told me about something called communications design. I took a summer seminar at Parsons and then switched my major to advertising the next semester.”

What are some of the earlier jobs that helped to shape your career/path?

“One of my first jobs was working in retail at my local Macy’s in the Esprit shop-in-shop. I’ve always loved fashion, especially the marketing side. When I was young, I would have ads on my wall from magazines, not posters of celebrities. I never knew how to get from admiring ads to creating them.”

I don’t believe in the idea that you need to hide the real you at work.

What challenges have you faced along the way? What did you learn from them? How did they prepare you for your job now?

“When I graduated from college, I worked at advertising agencies and it was hard to get a job in-house because they wanted someone with in-house experience. Agency life tends to be very fast-paced and you have to be detail orientated and able to juggle multiple jobs, clients, and deliverables at once. Interestingly, it prepares you for working in-house, especially given the shifts we have to make based on business. On the in-house side, you also work much closer with cross-functional teams, like marketing, merchandising, inventory management, finance, and design. There were a lot of acronyms I didn’t know when I first came to Gap, so I studied up.”

Tell us about your role at Banana Republic? What does it entail? Did you work your way up? What were the positions along the way?

“I am currently the art director for Banana Republic Factory and my job is two-fold. First, I come up with the concept and art direct our seasonal photoshoots. I work with the global creative director and senior director of photography for Banana Republic on evolving our photography, model choices, and how we show up as a brand. Secondly, I manage a team of designers who create marketing with photography, like store signage, direct mail, site, emails, and social.

“I started here as a senior designer on the outlet shared services team, then moved over to the Banana Republic side. From there, I started working with the former creative director on shoots until he would let me run them myself. After two years of that, I was promoted to art director.”

What do you love most about your job and why? Does the reality of your career match up to your expectations/why/why not?

“I love the flexibility in my job and that every day is something different. I could be pulling inspiration for an upcoming shoot, art directing someone on my team for a digital editorial or working with our copywriter on an Instagram story. I never imagined that I’d be in this spot, so I didn’t really have an expectation of what it would be like.”

What can you tell us about the culture at Banana Republic? What has encouraged you to stay?

“I’ve stayed because it’s been a challenge and not become stale. People here are very passionate and extremely intelligent, and it makes you want to step up your game. That being said, we also care about each other and like to have fun.”

Talk us through your daily tasks and what a day in the office looks like for you? What’s the most rewarding part of your day?

“One of the things I love is that no two days are the same. I like to check email and get a head start on that on the commute in. Then I’ll come into the office, check-in with my team, probably work on a project or two and attend meetings like project reviews or kickoffs, brainstorm some upcoming initiatives, or work on some image retouching notes.”

What does your morning, pre-work routine look like? What rituals set you up for success?
”I’ve been into sports since I was young, and I started running in high school. I usually start off the day with a three-mile run, then come home, check email, and have breakfast. I’m a bit obsessive about having breakfast every day without fail. I like working out in the morning because I feel it sets me up better for the day; I’m more energized. I also like to write things down. I have two datebooks, a smaller personal one and a larger one to plan out the shoots, milestone meetings, and creative reviews. I have weekly and daily checklists to keep myself organized.”

Your role requires you to be across so many facets of the business—how do you manage your time effectively? What is your greatest productivity hack? How do you get it done?

“It can be challenging for sure! One of the great things about our office is that you can work anywhere. Sometimes in an open floorplan, it can be hard to concentrate, so I’ll work in the café or one of the couches we have around the 8th floor. I’ll also turn off my email for a few hours so I don’t get distracted. I also make priority lists for myself and I always ask business partners when something is needed by—they feel their needs are being met, but I’m not stressing to get everything done ASAP.”

Do you ever reach inbox zero? Do you believe in that? What is your inbox philosophy?
”To me, having an inbox at zero means that I have read and acknowledged everything in my inbox. If I need to reply, then I’ve done that or forwarded it on to someone else who can better answer someone’s question. Having my inbox at zero means those things have been checked off my list and I can move on to other tasks.”

What is one of the biggest misconceptions about your job?

“If you work in fashion, people tend to think it’s very glamorous and your days are spent with samples, on set, or around models. It is a ton of hard work that starts way before the actual photoshoot. It’s the pre-season planning, pulling inspiration, collaborating with styling, marketing and merchandising on stories, working with prop stylists and photographers on getting all the details nailed down, and much more. Once you get to the shoot days, hopefully, everything is ticked and tied and the day(s) will run very smoothly.”

If someone wanted your role specifically, what advice would you give them on how to land their dream job/your current job? 

“Be a cultural sponge. Inspiration really comes from everywhere, so it’s not just about going to school and studying art direction. I’m constantly looking beyond fashion and in popular culture, art, music, books, current events, politics, sociology, and more to influence what I’m doing. I also think with the advent of social media, you don’t have to live in a large city to work in fashion or retail. Seek out local photographers or stylists where you live and do test shoots, or collaborate with your favorite local boutique on editorials. Many of them don’t have a huge budget and would love help with marketing or social media.” 

Be a cultural sponge. Inspiration really comes from everywhere.

Have you seen a consistent standout quality or personality trait of successful people in this industry?

“Be someone who is constantly learning and willing to pivot. The industry is changing so rapidly and it’s the people and the brands that are evolving that will succeed.”

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given? And what’s the worst piece of advice you’ve been given?

“The best piece of advice is ‘you are not your job.’ The interests I have outside of work keep me inspired and motivated when I’m in the office, and you need to carve out time for yourself to be with friends, family, travel, etc. You can’t work at your best if you’re burnt out. I don’t believe in the idea that you need to hide the real you at work. I’m a proud African-American woman, and the things I’ve experienced give me a unique viewpoint. As someone who never saw women like myself in fashion growing up, I want to make sure young people know that this is an option for them and you can be uniquely you while doing it.”

If there was one person you admire that you could power brunch with, who would it be?

“I would love to meet Shiona Turini. She started in PR at a high fashion brand and then segued into being a fashion editor and now a wardrobe stylist for television and movies. I’d love to pick her brain about that and also just talk fashion.”

In your mind, what’s a perfect interview outfit? Why? Explain?

“It really depends on your chosen field but at Banana Republic I think it’s something that shows your personality and creativity. It could be a fun midi skirt and leather jacket or sleek denim and a blazer. You should always dress up though and not be too casual, even in a ‘casual’ workplace.”

Visit the Banana Republic career page to learn more about their exciting job opportunities and career options.