Food: Gaby Dalkin, What's Gaby Cooking — Create + Cultivate

Food: Gaby Dalkin, What's Gaby Cooking

This article is part of our Create & Cultivate 100 List created in collaboration with KEDS, you can view the full Food List Here.

What isn't Gaby cooking?

Gaby Dalkin, AKA the “Chief Lady Boss at What’s Gaby Cooking” has a lot on her plate. 

But her journey to the world of culinary delights doesn’t follow a typical recipe. In college, Gaby was pre-med. Decided the world of doctoring was not for her, switched her focus to business and marketing, and “LOVED it.” But after graduating and working in LA at a job that she decidedly did not love, where she was “completely uninspired and bored,” Gaby made the decision to “pack it up and go to culinary school.” 

While at school she got a job as a private chef and simultaneously started “What’s Gaby Cooking.” Since inception, the side blog passion project has grown into website with over 1300 recipes, a line of cookbooks (2nd one is due out in spring 2018), a product line and more! 

Since starting “What’s Gaby Cooking,” the blogger and chef hasn’t taken a day off. That’s seven years and counting. “Balance, what’s that?” she jokes. But says, “when your work is something that you love, it never really feels like working.” And she does manage to work while on the beach in Mexico... so there's that. 

Five years ago, Gaby says she waited for opportunities to come to her. Now she goes out and grabs them, which in turn has grabbed the attention of her 234k Instagram followers. And she says that, “What’s Gaby Cooking is going full steam ahead to a digitally focused empire that revolves around food.”

More from everyone's favorite foodie Gaby below. 

What keeps you going?

The big picture. There is so much I want to accomplish and every day I'm working towards the larger goal. 

Who are the people you consider your mentors or influences and why?

I try to surround myself with as many incredible badass business ladies as possible. My team at DBA is a constant influence to me as they've helped me get to where I am today. My friends I've met through the digital world, Heather, Catherine, Geri, Lily, Matt, Adam, the list goes on... we all support each other and help each other grow.  

What is the best piece of "real talk" advice you've received? 

Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do something. 

What is your favorite life advice?

Don’t be afraid to fail.

What’s next? What’s happening the Gaby world?

We're launching the first What's Gaby Cooking product line in 2017, my next cookbook comes out in 2018 and then sky's the limit! I'd love to develop a digital food series somewhere in there too! 

Do you have any extracurricular activities?

Traveling. As much as humanly possible, and Netflix. 

How has your relationship with yourself changed in the last five years?

I've always been pretty confident but I think I've become even more comfortable in my own skin since running a business. And I've developed a much thicker skin thanks to the joys of social media and haters.

What do you do to support other women either personally or professionally?

Answer honestly, support authentically, share resources and share other women's work.

Styling provided by Reservoir LA. Hair and makeup provided by Glamsquad. Photography courtesy of Light Lab and Woodnote Photography.