Do You Want Just More? RSVP Here for a Panel with our Hawaii Posse — Create + Cultivate

Do You Want Just More? RSVP Here for a Panel with our Hawaii Posse

GUESS WHAT? the gang's getting back together!

Last month thanks to the creative brains at Richer Poorer we headed to Honolulu on a entrepreneur adventure with five other amazing founders: Jen Gotch, founder and CCO of Bando, Bobby Kim, co-founder of The Hundreds and JENNIFER, Jeni Britton Bauer, founder and CCO of Jeni's Splendid Ice Creams, Iva Pawling, co-founder and CEO of Richer Poorer, and Ellen Bennett, founder and CEO of Hedley and Bennett.

And now we're bringing everything we learned in Hawaii back home. (Like the idea of entrepreneurs sharing assets). Full details below. 

Our Founder and Editorial Director are joining the "Just More" panel, hosted by Richer Poorer, on what it really, truly (we're gonna dish all the details and regret it in the morning) means to be the founder of a business. The late nights. The juicy stuff. Yes, there will be some cocktails too. 


WHEN: Monday, April 17th, 2017 

WHERE: Hedley & Bennett HQ

3864 S. Santa Fe Avenue 

Vernon, CA 90058

Map it here. Don't stress. There is ample street parking. 

TIME: 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Join us for cocktails and convo starting at 6:30pm. Panel will begin at 7:00, last 45-minutes, and then we will open up to audience Q&A. Bring your questions! Feel free to stick around after to say hi, meet the speakers, and soak in the boss vibes.